
Hi New Lion! A Quick Q&A with Field Hockey Freshman Sophia Gladieux

With the new year upon us, let's take a second to check in with incoming freshman field hockey player Sophia Gladieux! Sophia is a Boyertown, Pa. native.  The Oley Valley graduate is a midfielder on this year's Nittany Lion squad for head coach Char Morett-Curtiss.

Q: Welcome to Happy Valley! What were the main reasons you chose Penn State and this program?

"The main reasons I chose PSU was for it's insane atmosphere and pride. As soon as I stepped on campus, it felt like home to me. I couldn't imagine myself going anywhere else. The coaches made me feel so comfortable right away, and that's when I knew I wanted to join this PSUFH family!"

Q: With the disruption that occurred nationally from the NCAA's reaction to a virus, how have you been able to interact with your new Nittany Lion teammates prior to coming to Penn State this Summer/Fall?

"We started to zoom a lot when the quarantine first started. This helped the coaches connect with all of the players. The seniors had a lot of group challenges which was a fun way to get everyone interacting with one another! Once we got on campus, it was harder to interact based on the guidelines, but we've made the most of it so far!"

Q: What are you most excited about doing when you get on campus as an official member of the Penn State family?

"I am most excited to meet everyone and create long-lasting friendships, and finally get on the field to play field hockey, this is the longest I have ever gone without a field hockey stick in my hands!"

Q: What do you plan on majoring in and why?

"I am currently undecided, although this stresses me out slightly… I didn't want to pressure myself when I really don't know what I want to do yet. I am going to take it day by day, and once I feel confident with a major, then I will focus on that!"

Q: How do you plan on approaching the transition to competing athletically at this level?

"Fortunately I have been playing at a high level since a pretty young age, this has prepared me a lot for the level of play that is yet to come. I know that I am going to have to work much harder than I am used to. This transition won't be easy but I am super excited and motivated! I'm ready to just get back out on the field and play!"

Q: If there is one thing you absolutely must bring with you from home to Penn State, what is it?

"This may sound corny, but one thing I need to bring is my stuffed bear. I got in when I was super young with my grandparents and I have had it in my bed ever since, and it isn't leaving my side anytime soon."

Q: What is the one thing you are going to miss most about not being home?

"That's easy… my dog Casey. She is my best friend, and if it wasn't for her… I probably wouldn't be as successful in field hockey. She taught me basically everything I know when it comes to stick skills. I can't wait for her to come to the games and cheer on Penn State Field Hockey!"