
Meet Matt Lee, Nittany Lion Incoming Wrestler!

With the new year upon us, let's take a second to check in with incoming wrestler Matt Lee, an incoming freshman from Evansville, Ind.  Lee joins brothers Joe and Nick as a member of  head coach Cael Sanderson's Nittany Lion wrestlers.

Q: Welcome to Happy Valley! What were the main reasons you chose Penn State and this program?

The coaching staff and the culture in the wrestling room is the best in the world. It also doesn't hurt that Penn State has some of the best academic programs in the country.
Q: With the disruption that occurred nationally from the NCAA's reaction to a virus, how have you been able to interact with your new Nittany Lion teammates prior to coming to Penn State this Summer/Fall?

I have been living in State College for a while, so I've been able to wrestle with the NLWC, which many past and present team members are a part of.
Q: What are you most excited about doing when you get on campus as an official member of the Penn State family?

Creating a stronger bond with my teammates and coaches, as well as the beginning of my college academic process.
Q: What do you plan on majoring in and why?

I am currently undecided, but am working towards a major in business management. I think it is a very versatile degree because no matter what career path you choose, it's good to know a little about how business is run.
Q: How do you plan on approaching the transition to competing athletically at this level?

It's not too much of a transition. The only thing I can do is give my full effort and be the best that I can be.
Q: If there is one thing you absolutely must bring with you from home to Penn State, what is it?

Xbox. Since we have to isolate so much, I'll most likely be gaming when I need a break from classwork and wrestling!
Q: What is the one thing you are going to miss most about not being home?

Definitely Buffalo Wild Wings.