
Meet Aurelius Dunbar, New Penn State Wrestler!

Meet Mercersburg Academy graduate Aurelius Dunbar, a new face on head coach Cael Sanderson's Penn State wrestling roster. Dunbar checks in with GoPSUsports in a quick hitting Q&A!

Q: Welcome to Happy Valley! What were the main reasons you chose Penn State and this program?

I chose Penn State because I have big dreams both athletically, and academically. In terms of wrestling, I wanted to be in a room where I would be with only the best guys, and I believe that the best guys are in this room. I can see that the team has a brotherly bond like no other place I have seen. Academically, Penn State is an exceptional school that I know that will prepare me for a life after wrestling as well.
Q: With the disruption that occurred nationally from the NCAA's reaction to a virus, how have you been able to interact with your new Nittany Lion teammates prior to coming to Penn State this Summer/Fall?

Prior to me getting to Penn state, fortunately I knew many of the incoming freshman just from previous tournaments and just in general being friends with them previously.  Also many of the current wrestlers on the team I had known since we were wrestling back in the elementary days. Pretty much most of the guys on the team from Pennsylvania I knew, so that helped a lot, especially since I could not interact with many people on the team physically over the summer.
Q: What are you most excited about doing when you get on campus as an official member of the Penn State family?

Getting onto campus I'm just so excited to just get after it. Now that I'm here, adjusting to classes has been interesting, and interacting with the guys have been great. I am just super excited to get in the room, start scrapping, and make some huge gains.
Q: What do you plan on majoring in and why?

I plan on majoring in kinesiology. I am interested I how the body works, and in terms of after school I am interested in being a radiologist.
Q: How do you plan on approaching the transition to competing athletically at this level?

I feel the biggest thing in terms of my approach coming into this season is to always be open minded and capture every opportunity I get. I know that there are many things I need to sharpen and refine coming out of high school. I'm just going to soak up everything I am taught and focus on becoming sharper and more defined in my technique, mentality, strength, etc.
Q: If there is one thing you absolutely must bring with you from home to Penn State, what is it?

I absolutely had to bring my PlayStation. I game a lot believe it or not. If I'm not wrestling, with friends, or doing schoolwork you can most likely find me playing my PlayStation.
Q: What is the one thing you are going to miss most about not being home?

I'm going to miss my family and friends while I'm gone, but I know that I am not too far from home.