
Sister Bond

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The repeated last names on the 2020 Penn State field hockey roster isn't a mistake. The team now has two sets of sisters this year, with freshman Caroline Myers joined her sister, senior Abby Myers. With the age difference, this spring season will be the first time the sisters play and train together on the same team due to Abby redshirting her freshman year. The Myers sisters are from Hartland, Wisconsin and come from a long list of relatives who are Penn State graduates, making the university a second home for the whole family. It was an easy decision for both when the opportunity to compete collegiately presented itself.  

"I didn't think I would be able to go to Penn State with the limited exposure, but when (head) coach (Char Morett-Curtiss) reached out, I looked at it immediately because of all of our family connections. My dad went here, along with two of my cousins and my older brother," Abby said. 

"Abby being here at Penn State was definitely a factor in my decision, but since Abby was on the team and knew the coaches it helped me with reaching out to other Big Ten schools and really just came down to what exactly I wanted in a school," Caroline added.  

Since Caroline arrived at Penn State in the fall, Abby has seen what type of player Caroline is and how well she fits in with the team. They both have been adjusting to Covid-related restrictions but still try to see each other once or twice a week outside of practice. 

"I've definitely noticed I find myself not wanting her (Caroline) to mess up, but she is in there with all the other freshmen, so I try to keep it as professional as possible. Being a leader on the team and as a captain this year I think I speak the same way I do to all the freshman the way I do to Caroline," Abby said. 

Whether on or off the field, Abby and Caroline find themselves to be very competitive people, especially towards each other and their whole family.  

"We try and be competitive, but Abby always seems to come out with the win. Our whole family is competitive with each other, in card games or board games, there is always a fight," Caroline said.  

Other than field hockey taking up most of their time, they still enjoy doing other activities together, but also separately. With quarantine being a couple months long last spring, the sisters were able to spend a lot of time together while Abby was home and their older brother as well. 

"I think I am more into working out. I like doing yoga and going on long walks, which we did together during quarantine a lot. I also really like to cook a lot but really enjoy just getting out of house, like trying new restaurants or going on hiking trails," Abby said.  

"When we aren't playing field hockey, we all as a team like to go out to dinner as much as we can and get in clothes other than sweatshirts and sweatpants. I just like being around people and being with my friends," Caroline said.  

With Abby playing midfield and Caroline playing forward, they both have their own set of skills that make them stand out on the field. Coach Charlene Morett-Curtiss has been able to pick up on what type of player each girl is and what their strengths are. 

"Abby has a little more versatility in her position on the field. We have moved her around a lot, while Caroline is an attacker. She is quick around the goal and she's got composure around the goal. They do look a lot alike on the field. I think they both have great personalities, good-natured, easygoing girls," Morrett-Curtiss said.  

"It is definitely hard to compare us as players right now just because I am a fifth-year and know what coaches want from us, while Caroline is brand-new and playing with someone is a lot different than just watching them play," Abby added.  

The excitement of finally being able to play together unfortunately was pushed back until the spring, but they are still unsure how that will exactly look for the whole team and the Big Ten. Abby and Caroline are practicing hard, putting in the work so when the time comes, they are ready to fight with their team. This season will be Abby's last as she is planning on graduating in December, but she is also picking up a certification in the spring.  

"I am a kinesiology major and just finished applying to Physical Therapy programs so I will be waiting to hear back from schools to see where I end up," Abby said. 

Caroline is still adjusting to the college athlete lifestyle, but also having to do it with many Covid rules. She is on track to be a Health Policy and Administration major. 

"School and playing has been a little rocky for me because we had time off and then we didn't. I have good and bad weeks where I am ahead of my work and then others I feel behind, but I think for the most part I've been doing good with balancing," Caroline said.  

With the season starting in just a few months, the Myers family already has plans to visit Penn State from Wisconsin and are committed to watch Abby and Caroline play together for the first time if the fan restrictions allow it.