Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable game day experience. Guests are responsible for their own behavior and the behavior of those who use their tickets. The following is expected regarding fan conduct:
- Adhere to all campus/venue protocols and regulations
- Guests must observe prohibited items lists, bag policies and venue-specific policies.
- Fans must sit in their assigned seat.
- Comply with venue personnel instructions
- Adhere to instruction by security, ushers, police and other authorized personnel.
- Present ticket upon request, at any time within the venue.
- Represent the Pride with honor, dignity and respect
- Interference with the playing surface is prohibited (i.e. throwing objects, addressing officials or players, encroachment of field of play, etc.).
- Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic or otherwise offensive language and behavior will not be tolerated.
- Verbal, physical or abusive behavior is strictly prohibited.
- Be a positive role model for those around you.
- Show visiting team guests Happy Valley Hospitality.
- Positively cheer for your team.
- Refrain from negative/taunting remarks.
- When appropriate, fans should stand and cheer following the flow of the game.
- See something, say something
- Protect the people around you. Report unusual behavior, unattended items or suspicious activity to venue personnel.
- Fans are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior.
- Call 1-800-Nittany
- Email
- On game day, text “NITTANY” to 69050 with your issue and location
Non-compliance with the above code of conduct may warrant ejection from the venue. Ticketholders are responsible for the conduct and behavior of individuals using their tickets. Guests who do not adhere to the above policy could face loss of ticket-buying privileges or revocation and suspension of tickets. Visibly impaired of intoxicated patrons will not be tolerated. Additional consequences may include arrest or prosecution.