POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athletes

Penn State Football
 Penn State Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Auburn – September 18, 2021  
Sean Clifford | QB | R-Sr.
Q: In terms of the offensive line, what was it like to have them pass blocking the way they did?
A: They came in clutch. I mean, it's hard to actually say they came in clutch because they do it every day. I have so much trust in those guys. Honestly, everybody. I really believe they are the best in the country and they showed it on a national stage tonight.
Q: What are your thoughts on the atmosphere of the White Out?
A: It was awesome. After the year we had last year and then now being able to come out and experience this, it's what it's all about. I say that with a smile on my face because I know how much we missed it as a community last year. You feed off the energy. I've always believed I play better when the stakes are higher. It's probably the calmest I've ever been. I went in and was seeing everything so clearly from the first snap and I think that's how Coach Yurcich has developed me and really pushed me every single day, not letting me slip through the cracks on anything. This is just 1-0, we got a whole season.
Q: How good was it to get [the tight ends] involved and see what they can do once you get them to play at that level? 
A: Yeah, they got I mean we got three, really talented tight ends. Every single one of them I have a lot of confidence in and I know that the team has a lot of confidence in. It was awesome to get them all involved in different ways.  You saw Brenton [Strange] and Theo [Johnson] throughout different things, and then Tyler [Warren] and his package. We haven't ran that yet and we have a lot in that package too.  I mean, he's a former quarterback. So, love that. Yeah, we have a lot of stuff with those guys. It makes it fun to just bounce in person on personnel and keep defenses on their toes.
Noah Cain | RB | Jr.
Q: How do you compare your start last year with the confidence level of this 3-0 team?
A: It started with our offseason. It started with our camp, we had one of the hardest camps this offseason. Coach Franklin challenged us day in and day out just to be great and be the best version of ourselves and I think that's what everybody is doing in this program.
Q: What can you tell me about (Jahan) Dotson? 
A: He is trying to get better day in and day out. He doesn't really talk too much, he just goes about his business and that's really all you can ask for. You can see the hunger in his face, everybody's seen it, and he's gonna keep balling for us and making plays.
Brenton Strange | TE/H | R-So.
Q: Brenton, do you think the tight ends showed up in a big way tonight?
A: Oh, it was really big for the team. We all have a big role, we're all very important to this offense and that's what we do, and I was proud of all of us tonight, we played a great game.
Q: We hadn't seen a lot of the tight ends so far this season. Was there any kind of, I don't know if frustrations right word, but was there any anxiety built up for you guys to make a mark?
A: No, not at all because we know our role and what we do each week is what we have to do for the team each week, so there was no frustration, we played our role. Tonight, the plays came to us, and we made them.
Q: Do you think with the mental toughness with this team, maybe that it's kind of developed over the last couple years?
A: Most definitely because last year we went through a lot as a team and I thought it brought us together, and we're a lot mentally tough and we're more experienced than we were last year.
Q: Do you think play opened up a little bit with the throw from Jahan and the Wildcat with Tyler? Where's all that come from and how exciting is that to practice?
A: Believe it or not that's something we've been working on all year long, so we wrote that over and over and over again and we brought it out tonight and we executed it.
Tyler Warren | TE/H | R-Fr.
Q: First touchdown and first catch, what was this night like for you?
A: It was fun, being out here in front of all our fans at the whiteout was a great experience, my favorite whiteout. To be out here with all my brothers on the team, it was a great atmosphere and there is nothing like it.
Q: What's the importance of all three tight ends including yourself making some big plays?
A: I think we make each other better in practice. If one of us messes up then we will coach them up. Our coaches will help to push us. And I think that's helped us get better throughout the spring and summer. It has been showing up during this season.
Q: Can you take us through the touchdown and what did it feel like to go back to your QB days?
A: It was good to be playing quarterback again. But it's just another play and then everyone around me did their jobs and got an opportunity to get in the zone. It just kind of happened. That's how the flow of the play went. The offensive line got a good push and that's why I was able to score. If they were in the backfield I would not have scored. They got a good push and it was there, so it worked out.
Q: What kind of pressure can it put on a defense to have all three of you [tight ends] out on the field at the same time and have that flexibility?
A:  Like you said, it's flexibility. Tight ends are a run group and then you can be threats in the passing game. So, I think having three of them on the field can be big and help us win a lot.
Jesse Luketa | DE/LB | Sr.
Q: How would you describe the start to the season that the team has had?
A: We shaped our identity week one with Wisconsin to a big-time opponent like this. We are hungrier. We are humbler. Just can't wait, one week at a time. We had a great night tonight but it's back to business tomorrow.
Q: What is the identity of this defense after three weeks?
A: We are resilient, relentless, and hungry. You know we're tight, this team is honestly one of the tightest teams I've ever been a part of. We love each other. You guys can see it, you guys can see the camaraderie on the field. We got each other's back and it's not just reserved for here, you guys see it week to week we're displaying it.
Q: To what degree does last year serve as a chip on your shoulder or as a motivating factor?
A:  It serves as everything. You know we own it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. We have that chip on our shoulder. We are going to work, day in and day out. We keep that same mentality. Remember everything.
Q: Jesse, you, Nick Tarburton, and Arnold Ebiketie were all true starters. All of you were able to start but what does that say about the mindset in that room?
A:  Those are my brothers. You know, either way, when it's time you eat, I'm right there supporting them. But it's AK's (Ebiketie) time to eat, it's vice versa. When it's my turn to eat those guys are right there for me. So no, it just goes to show how tight of a group we are and how hungry we are. We support one another. It doesn't matter who is on the field, the standards are the standard there's no drop off. We invested so much. I've been here for four years. We've had a great offseason; we really came together and it shows that we're out there having fun. I'm enjoying every single time I go there with my brothers.
Jahan Dotson | WR | Sr.
Q: What's been the biggest impact of [Offensive Coordinator Mike] Yurcich?
A: Tempo, that's been the biggest thing. The way we use tempo, it throws teams off and keeps teams off balance. And it's a great weapon for us. Coach Yurcich, I said at the beginning of the season, he's a mastermind, and I truly believe that he has an answer for every single thing that a defense throws at us. It's just great to have a guy like that.
Q: How excited were you when they called [your pass play]?
A: I was really excited. They called the play in and I tried not to show any emotions to give away to the defense but I was so happy they called it. I've been waiting to throw the ball all year. That was my opportunity.
Q: When you get in one of those where you kind of just seem to block out everything around you and just lock in on what you do, how do you get in that mode?
A: Oh, I kind of just have tunnel vision when I'm out here. This is what I love to do. So, during the play I don't hear the crowd or anything, I kind of just locked in on what I'm doing out there. I've been doing it for so long, I've literally been playing since I was three years old so it's literally like I was playing little league football, it's no different. It's just a game. And I'm just having fun doing it.

Q: We know every win is important but given the stakes tonight: the whiteout, the national ranking, national TV. Was it really especially important to moving forward for your goals to get this win? A: It wasn't any more important than any other game we're gonna have during this season. [It's] just as important as Wisconsin, just as important as Ball State. We know that we can't look at any opponent greater or lesser than any other. We know that we're going to have to come out here and execute every single time we serve on this field, that's what we did tonight.  
Arnold Ebiketie | DE | R-Sr.

Q:  What was it like, just before the game kind of coming out and experiencing everything, and then how'd you find going into the actual game? A:  Just before the game from just seeing the video I knew the game was going to be electric. It was my first time to get the chance to come out here and see all the fans, man, it was beautiful to see that. I just enjoyed every second of it. We were able to get the win at the end of the day so I'm just glad we did that.  
Q: Where is the confidence of this defense coming from?
A: It's not just the defense, it's also the offense. We confident man, the reason why we're confident is because we put a lot of work into it, I mean all the way to the offseason we go back to work out. I mean we pay the price to be out here and perform the way I'm doing right now so we're not surprised at all, it's just expectations, we supposed to be here.

Q: You guys always seem to, as a defense, make the big play when it matters the most, what does that say about you guys as a group? A: I mean it's just about being disciplined. Being disciplined and being where you're supposed to. I mean, we all rely on each other to be where we are supposed to. So I know when I'm out here I know PJ [Mustipher] is gonna be in his gap, Tangelo is going to be in his gap, it's just that bond we have as a defense. We know the play's gonna come, we just got to stay in the moment, stay in the game, and everything's gonna take care of itself.  
Jaquan Brisker | S | Sr+.

Q: What does a night like this do for Penn State: the Whiteout, TV, you get a big win over an SEC team and all those things, what does that do as kind of a commercial for the Penn State football program? A: This is a great win, especially playing an SEC opponent. I don't think people expected us to win but regardless this is a great win for Penn State. Especially coming out here in a whiteout and winning in front of our fans. This is good for State College.  
Q: Why is this defense playing with such high confidence compared to last year. If there's one thing you can point out?
A:  I'll say our chemistry in the summer when the coaches weren't here or anything like that. We stayed together. We met individually and as a unit, without the coaching. We didn't need the coaches to bring us to certain practices. The chemistry is different.
Q: Can you talk about what it meant to you personally to play in front of your first white out crowd?
A:  Personally, you know, it felt good. Especially seeing the fans back, and you know seeing them in all white and all cheered up and things like that, you know, it was great and especially to get a W at home, that's always supportive, especially not having the fans go out all last season.

Q: What have you learned about your team, so far through these three games? A:  Tough, very tough team from offense to defense to special teams. All three are important. Whether we got to do a sudden change or anything like that we got the offense and whether they score or us we know the offense got our back and then special teams will just take care of it. We just stick together and we're a great team.