POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athletes

Penn State Football
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Michigan – November 13, 2021  
Keyvone Lee | RB | So.
Q: These were your most touches in any game this year. Did you feel like you were gaining momentum as things went on?
A: I was just playing. I was so caught up in just making plays and just playing and being me. I wasn't really worried about my touches or how the game was going.
Q: How disappointing was it for the offense not to convert the fumble into a touchdown?
A: We wanted to get in the endzone but at the same time you just have to go one play at a time.
Q: What's the atmosphere like in the locker room after this game? How did the team respond coming right off of it?
A: We're all family so at the end of the day we know how to talk to each other. We know how to bond, we know how to lift everybody up, so it was good it's family, we're all family. We all just came together and said we love y'all, stay together and stick together.
Q: Can you assess how the offensive line and the offense as a unit did against a really good defense?
A: Every week we got better and better so even though we didn't get the outcome we wanted, we got better.
Arnold Ebiketie | DE | R-Sr.
Q: How disappointing was this loss?
A: Very. Knowing that you're that close to accomplishing the goal and getting the W and falling down so short. Looking back, you can count probably two or three plays we could have had but you have to give them credit. They're a really good team. They came out here and they got the job done.
Q: Is it particularly disappointing that you guys had the lead and that the defense for how well you played gave that one up at the end?
A: Yeah, especially given the fact that I think we played well, I'm fine with playing well as a defense and as an offense as well and special teams too. We played good complimentary football.
Q: Coach talked about how there's just four or five plays in every game that is the difference between winning and losing. How much does that kind of stuff eat at you guys throughout the week or throughout the season?
A: It goes up. Two, three, four plays those things just keep occurring and that's the main reason we lost those games and those are just some of the plays that we have to have if we want to be where we want to be. It keeps hurting us as a team.
Q: Michigan only allowed six sacks coming into the game. How were you guys able to get to the quarterback and bring him down a couple of times in this one?
A: We knew the main focus for us was going to be to stop the run and we know what we have in terms of defensive lineman and linebackers. We knew we were capable of getting to the quarterback, so the main focus was to stop the run and pass rush when we have to.
Q: How good is Haskins? What made him so effective today?
A: He's a really good player. I think he does a great job being patient behind the block. He is a good player. You have to give him credit. He came out here and he had a good performance.
Jordan Stout | K/P | R-Sr.
Q: When was the last time you threw a pass before this game and how did that conversation go prior to it happening? 
A: In a game, never. Yeah, we ran the plays a little more in practice this past week. So, I thought we might. And there's not much of a conversation. It's just Coach Lorig brings it up and says let's do it. I said, okay, let me do it. 
Q: The fake field goal pass did not work out the way it was designed. Can you take us through that play? 
A: It's a tough situation. I think he did a great job of getting the ball to me. It was a little behind and I did my best to get it and stay in stride, but I couldn't do it. We just wanted to win today. It worked in practice. Being aggressive was the plan coming into this game and just in general. Not necessarily just this game but it's always in the game plan to be aggressive. 
Q: What led to calling the successful fake punt pass? 
A: The fake wasn't called before Michigan's timeout. We were going to punt it. Then on the sideline everyone was saying let's do, let's do it. So, we did it. I think the call was because of how they were set up before. They weren't in safe formation. My arm wasn't warm. I hadn't thrown a ball all day. So, I just went behind the huddle and sort of wiggled my arms around and then got loose. 
Q: How does it feel to be nominated as a semifinalist for the Ray Guy Award? 
A: It's a huge blessing, but at the same time, the semifinalist means nothing until you actually win the award. I think I've worked really hard, and I think I have to continue to improve if I'm going to get it.  
Parker Washington | WR | So. 
Q: How important is it to finish drives in the red zone? 
A: That is definitely important. We try to work on that each week. We're still trying to take steps which we got to continue to execute more, but we will see more of that in the future. I wouldn't say it's disappointing. We feel eager to continue to make plays so we can execute in those situations. 
Q: What impact does Jahan Dotson have when he's on the field? 
A: We always want to have Jahan out on the field. No matter what you know, he's going to come out and make plays, and just be consistent like he is. 
Q: You had an explosive 44-yard catch today, what can the offense do to be more consistent and create more big plays? 
A: We just have to continue to follow through with what we do in the meeting room and take it from practice to the game. Building and be able to execute it when it comes to the game situation. To stay consistent and practice hard. Make sure we're all on the same page in the meeting rooms. And execute in practice and make sure it translates to the field and again, work. 
Tyler Warren | TE | R-Fr.
Q: The explosive play battle always seems to be an emphasis for you guys. That seems to be something that has been lacking over the last few weeks. What do you guys need to do to change that around?
A: I think we need to just stick to Coach Yurcich's plans. Really, it's just one or two things on each play that could make a big difference. Just one or two things and it could be a different story. One play can change the game, I'm not going to say it could win or lose a game, but definitely – like we talked about on special teams, you can change the game with one play. It's a big part of it.
Q: What was the emotion and energy like on the sideline after you tied it up and then the defense comes out and stops them right away?
A: I think overall throughout the game everybody on the sidelines had pretty good energy. Obviously, with big plays like that it gets a little up but I mean it's fun being over there with everybody cheering each other on.
Q: Just over the course of the year, how do you prepare yourself mentally knowing that you might come in for one play on that drive? How do you keep yourself prepared throughout the game?
A: I think it's just similar to practice. We don't know what players are going get in at practice and they'll just tell us who's going so it's really just being locked in and focusing on the plays going on. When he calls me then I'm ready to go in and when it's Theo (Johnson) or Brenton (Strange), they're ready to go in. It's pretty simple.
Brandon Smith | LB | Jr.
Q: What was it like to defend that running game especially Haskins?
A: It was like every other game. We just have to show up and show out.
Q: Was there anything specific today that gave you trouble overall to stop the run game?
A: No, they just played sound and within their program, and they just executed.
Q: Take us through that fourth quarter. I thought Penn State dominated the fourth quarter except for obviously that one killer play at the end. How do you think the defense did except for that one exception? And then what happened on that play?
A: Overall, we played our heart out there. There is some stuff that we got to definitely have to go back and look at film. and we'll do what we need to do to make sure it's corrected, and we'll go from there.
Q: You had a couple of close plays in a couple of games that cost you basically four losses. What do you have to do better to turn those losses into wins?
A: We have to continue to play sound and eliminate errors. That's all it comes down to, to be honest.
Q: The one big play came when the tight end scored, was the one you guys have the most regret about, because the defense played well enough to win up until that play right?
A: A football game doesn't always come down to one play. There are multiple plays within a game that lead up to it, but there's obviously one play like the one that you're saying that really stands out for the most part. We just got to make our plays. It definitely could have been eliminated even before that even happened, so that's all you got to do.
Q: How do you feel like you've progressed and developed individually as the seasons gone on.
A: As the seasons gone on, I definitely had my ups and my downs. There's definitely stuff I had to look at on film and that I definitely had to correct. Overall, I feel that we've been playing sound as a defense, and we have to continue to eliminate errors. I've just been doing what I need to do for a team.
Ellis Brooks | LB | R-Sr.
Q: How do you think the team defended Haskins and their run game today?
A: I think we got after them a little bit. Michigan's a good team. I think they were the number one running offense in the Big Ten coming in here. So yeah, we had a big challenge in front of us. Good O-Line. Good back. But I felt like we were able to get after them a little bit and play tough.
Q: Did you see what happened on their touchdown in the fourth quarter? It seemed like a lot of you guys were going one way and the play was the other way.
A: I guess we just got out of phase in our coverage. He got loose. After that, I just saw him running up the sideline.
Q: After all day, with your effort and that [touchdown by All] happens. How do you feel? How does that stick with you?
A: Adversity builds character, especially during games. I feel like when negative plays happen, you have to have a next play mentality. So even when that big play happened, in our heads, it wasn't over. We were still trying to go out there and get another stop and only force a field goal, so it'd be a one possession game. That was our mentality coming back.
Q: How does the power back like Haskins make that so difficult to keep them under 10 yards on three carries at the end there?
A: He does a good job of keeping them on schedule. Big backs like that fall forward a lot. That was something we tried to emphasize, knocking them back and winning early on downs.
Q: Do you feel like in any way this game is a missed opportunity?
A: Yeah, for sure. Anytime we come out here and play any game anywhere, but especially in Beaver Stadium, we want to win.
Jaquan Brisker | S | Sr.+
Q: Does it hurt to have one play feel like it kind of breaks down all the work you put in?
A: You know, I wouldn't say it's one play. There were plays in the beginning of the game, first quarter, second quarter, things like that that could have been different, but no, I wouldn't say it was one play. We still had plenty of opportunities out there before and after that.
Q: Jaquan, how disappointed are you guys that you were 5-0 and the whole world was in front of you, and then things haven't gone well this last month? So, how do you keep it all together?
A: You know, it is disappointing, but at the same time, we just got to look forward. It's life. You're going to hit adversity and things like that, but we can't stop and cry or whatever, we still got two, three, four games left in the season. So, the motivation of the team, that's what keeps the team together. We're not going to throw each other under the bus, we're always going to stick together.
Q: You think you guys are better than 6-4?
A: Of course, we're just a couple of plays away. I feel like we've been taming the country right now. Bring them into Beaver [Stadium] or we'll go there. We're a very tough team regardless right now except today.
Q: How do you capitalize on missed opportunities in a game like today?
A: We just attack the day tomorrow with Sunday practice and then every other practice after that. You just got to keep working on your craft. The small detail are always there for you. As we get later in the season, there's still important small details, so just worry about the small details and everything else will fall into place.
Curtis Jacobs | Position LB | So.
Q: To hold a team like Michigan who is scoring 34 or 36 points in a game to 14 through most of the game and then kind of have it dictated by a big broken play, what's your emotion or frustration with that?
A: Well first things first, I'm incredibly proud of this defense. I love the way we fight and it shows. It shows on the field, but obviously there's certain plays we didn't execute and Michigan is a great team—I'm not taking anything away from them, they're excellent. They got really good players and really good coaches. It's just all about execution. They executed today and we didn't.
Q: Does it feel like 21 defensively should be enough to get you a win?
A: I wouldn't say that because our goal every week is zero points. We come in every game with the intention to pitch a shut-out. So obviously, every time they score against us is like a gut-punch to us. We just got to keep worrying about execution, keep getting better every week, and it's going to show.
Q: [When talking about the fourth-down pass to Curtis Jacobs from Jordan Stout], Stout said that you guys put it in after the time-out, what kind of tone do you feel like that set for the team being that aggressive that early?
A: Well I'm not going to lie, when they called that jump, I was excited because I was like "I get the ball, I'm about to go get the ball," I'm jumping around, I'm happy because I'm about to score this goal. But then I had to kind of mask my excitement because [Michigan] is going to see me jumping around all happy and know obviously something's up. So, it's just being ready for your moment.
 Q: You guys have played games where it was just a play or two away from victory. How do you keep from getting too frustrated with that?
A: We try not to get frustrated after games. We look at it over film because film never lies. I look at my film every Sunday. Then we move on to see how we can execute the next week and that's about preparation, it's about executing when you're prepared.