POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athletes

Penn State Football
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Rutgers – November 20, 2021  
Jordan Stout | K/P | R-Sr.
Q: Can you describe what this week was like with the virus going around?
A: I was not affected. But yeah, there's a lot of guys battling through it. There's a ton of the guys on the team sick and you know, we faced adversity and we're stronger for it.
Q: How important is this day for you as a redshirt senior?
A: It was awesome coming out here and doing the best I could. It was super good that we got to win. I'm glad I got a win tonight. It was an incredible day.
Q: You're a finalist for the Ray Guy Award. Is that something you've thought about at all?
A: Of course, it's in the back of my head. It's hard, but I'm just trying to go out each day and do the best I can.
Derrick Tangelo | DT | Sr.+
Q: What was it like this week seeing your teammates struggle with the virus going around?
A: It just made me anxious. You never want to see a teammate go down in any capacity. I just knew they were going to tighten up and get back, but in the moment, you know, you never know.
Q: Second shutout of the season. What does that mean to you?
A: That's just a testament to the coaches, our defensive game plan, just playing complimentary football. Offense had our back, and we had the offense's back.
Q: What has this season been like for you?
A: It was just surreal. Coming on my visit when I was younger, watching my older teammates come here, seeing the success they had, you know, it's just a moment that I never thought I would get. I'm just so grateful and so blessed. So, I'm just thankful for everything. There.
Q: How important is it to close out the season with a win?
A: Coach always says it's very hard to win in college football. Half of the teams tomorrow are going to be sad, half of them are going to be happy. Everybody is going to try and soak this in and then, by tomorrow, we're going to be ready to go.
Jaquan Brisker | S | Sr.
Q: Can you talk a little bit about your emotions pregame on your senior day? Can you talk about what this day means for you?
A: Well, when I first came out here, I was a little emotional. I was about to cry until I saw my parents at the other end of the tunnel. There is just no greater feeling, you know, than walking out here. Seeing Coach Franklin, my family and the fans make it all worth everything. I am just thankful for the fans and to be out here.

Q: You have a huge senior class; can you talk about the bond you guys have and what it has meant to you throughout your career?
A: This class is very special. We are resilient, we always bounce back. That is one thing that is especially important and has never changed from my first game at Penn State. We never put our head down or anything like that. We always have moved forward together.
Q: Coach Franklin spoke about the issues your team faced this week with illness surrounding the entire team. How did this change the team's game preparation?
A: Coming out we had some players down with illness. But it meant the other guys had to step up. Our leaders knew we had to step up and do what we had to do to keep the team positive. I knew I had to be okay, especially for my last game here in Beaver Stadium.

Coziah Izzard | DT | R-Fr.
Q: Coach Franklin spoke on the resiliency the team had on the field today when dealing with the illness of much of the team. How did this affect the players on and off the field?
A: Obviously, preparation this week for the game was a little different than normal. However, we still studied film, worked through practices, came into the game knowing we were ready for the challenge. I had to do my job, and everyone held each other accountable.
Q: From the Iowa game to now, where do you think your biggest growth has been?
A: Striking on my keys and the flow and intention of my plays has gotten much better I would say. You guys saw it today and will see improvement throughout the years.
Arnold Ebiketie | DE | R-Sr.
Q: Can you tell us something about what you have seen from Christian Veilleux at practice and what he's been like and how he's come along these last five, six weeks?
A: We knew he was one of those guys. I mean, coming in as a freshman, you can see he's talented off the jump going all the way to training camp. So for him, it was just the battle, getting his opportunity, and today was his chance. Preparation to opportunity. He had his chance to go out there today and do his job and he also looked good out there.
Q: AK, what was the energy like on the sideline with each successive scoring drive? Did you get any growing confidence?
A: Definitely. You know, when we're out there and we see some of the things that the offense was doing, getting first downs and scoring touchdowns and on defense, the mentality, we knew they couldn't run the ball, they couldn't pass the ball on us. And so for us, it was just a matter of continuing to do what we've been doing the whole game and having the offenses back, and towards the second half, they found that they had it going so that's why it was all what it was at the end of the day.
Q: How important was it to get the shot out? To get them off the board?
A: It definitely was important. Early in the game that wasn't a main focus, but going into the second half we continued to get stops. It was like, yeah, there's no way they're geting in the end zone so it felt great to be able to get that shot.
Jahan Dotson | WR | Sr.
Q: Somehow this [sickness that was going around this week in practice] helped you guys in a way?
A: I think it's just kind of a testament to to this team. We got a lot of guys who just like to fight for each other. We knew that it was going to be next man up mentality. We honestly didn't have a quarterback all week. We didn't know who was going to be playing this week. So this team, we stuck together. Next guy proved himself today I want to give a big shout out to Christian Veilleux, you stepped in tremendously. It's a tough job coming out here playing in front of a lot of people your freshman year. I know it was tough for me, so I couldn't imagine being in his shoes, the quarterback, leading the ship. So I just want to give a big shout out to him. He did a great job leading us today.
Q: How are you guys gonna, I would assume after a win, celebration, this atmosphere it seems like everyone just wants to go to sleep at this point for the most part. How will that change where you guys handled tonight and then moving forward as well?
A: We cherish every moment together win or loss. That's the guys that we have in this locker room. We literally cherish every moment together. To get win in front of the crowd, Beaver Stadium, there's nothing more special than that. It was it was great to be out here with the guys, finally get a W. We're gonna go back tomorrow, get the corrections, and move on to Michigan State.
Q: What impressed you the most about Christian [Veilleux] today?
A: His poise.He never seem to get rattled at any moment in the game. Stayed calm, made the right reads. He had a tremendous game. Everything and more that you can ask from a freshman quarterback. I'm just excited to see what he's got down the line.
Jonathan Sutherland | S | R-Sr.
Q: When everybody's doing something on the field to contribute to a win, how special is that for you guys?
A: It's a testament to the character of the guys. The work ethic they have during the week, during practice puts them in the best position to make plays on Saturday.
Q: Coach Franklin told us that it was pretty chaotic at the hotel with guys getting sick, what was it like?
A: Guys were just dropping like flies, honestly. But we have a next-man-up mentality around here. Everyone prepares during the week as if they're going to play and I think it showed today.
Q: Were guys trying to do extra things to avoid getting sick. Was there any way you could try?
A: Just wearing masks, washing your hands, practicing good hygiene. But when you have 120 guys in the building practicing every single day it's inevitable – someone's bound to get sick.
Q: You guys do fast Friday practices. What was it like because James [Franklin] said to us that Mason [Stahl] was the quarterback?
A: A bunch of guys had to step up, but they were ready. They prepared during the week and it was a regular fast Friday, just like any other.
Q: You got to start and you also got the interception. What did, individually, this opportunity mean to you?
A: It definitely meant a lot – being out on the field with my brothers. Obviously practicing and having a great week full of practice and trying to make plays out there and trusting my teammates and them trusting me. And it was a great experience.
Q: Do you have a favorite memory from your time here as a senior?
A: There's a lot, there's definitely a lot. I would definitely say practice. Being out with my guys and having fun during practice and bonding and cracking jokes. Those are the times I look back at and those are the times I'll definitely miss the most.
Parker Washington | WR | So.
Q: As a receiver not knowing who your starting quarterback is going to be seemingly moment before kickoff, what was that like?
A: Throughout the week it definitely was crazy. If felt like a roller coaster. You didn't know who was practicing. For example, on Thursday it looked like nobody was at practice. But at the same time seeing the people we have, our quarterback – I didn't lose any confidence with our game plan or anything and I was excited to see someone else step up. And they looked good.
Q: We were there Wednesday and it looked like quite a few guys were missing. So what was Thursday – are you thinking 'oh man, what are we going to do?'
A: I don't think I lost my poise though the process this week. I was honestly excited to see what was actually going to happen and just like Coach Franklin said, he was excited to see other players step up. And I feel like those players and everybody else stepped up and did their job today and it was exciting to see.
Q: Obviously everyone knows that Jahan [Dotson] is a leader of this team and one of its biggest stat producers and that's going to be your role, presumably, next year. Today felt like a big step toward that. How do you think you played? Where do you think your game has grown?
A: Just being able to learn every day. That's my biggest mentality – just learn and be willing to grow. And I feel like I played pretty well today. There's always room to improve and I'm excited for the future and the opportunity that's I front of us.