Postgame Press Conference - Central Michigan Players

#2 Carlos Carriere | WR | Senior
Q: In the first quarter there were a few top offensive guys, but in the second it seemed like you guys were able to respond well. What was it like in huddle during the second quarter when you guys were really getting it going?

A: Just getting that first, first down… Once you get that first one, everything just started to roll downhill, and I think that's what the focus was and what needs to be starting out at all football games. Just getting that first one going and feeling good about it.

Q: You came from the Big Ten, you're used to these environments. Was there anything you said to the team going into this game to help them feel more comfortable in this environment?

A: We scheduled power five games early in the year, so that wasn't everybody's first rodeo. I wanted to be president. I'm not really a vocal leader. I just wanted to be present and trusted, make plays early on the game and be a spark plug for the team. That was my focus coming into this game, being a playmaker early on and give us some momentum.

Q: So obviously, playing in an environment like this is different than what you can get in the MAC. What's it what's it like when you're back is to that student section, and does it feel like there's some extra pressure on the offense?

A: No, it just comes back to the things we do in practice the fundamentals, technique, and focusing on that you got to lock in a little bit more on that. I think that helps, but I don't really pay attention to the environment. In a normal week we normally have noise in practice every week regardless, so it was routine. I don't think we struggled with the noise. I don't think it was a factor too much.