Postgame Press Conference - Minnesota Players

#88 Brevyn Spann-Ford | TE | R-Sr.

Q: Five foul starts in the first half, was it the noise mainly?

A: I would say it was the noise, lack of focus. Credit to Penn State and its defense. They played a great game.

Q: How do you feel like this team has to do these next five games?

A: I think the most important thing is just staying connected. We're a really hard-working team, and you come to practice every week, and you're going to see that same hard-working team. I think that's one thing that coach does a great job of doing, he's always preaching "response, response, body language." I think our response is going to be great. Regardless of the outcome tonight, I know that this team's going to be back in the building working tomorrow.

#55 Mariano Sori-Marin | LB | 5th-year
Q: This defense has prided itself on just playing a sound, smart defense. What would you feel like was the breakdown tonight?

A: Yeah, I think there were just a lot of uncharacteristic things that we saw. Guys uncovered, you know, that one touchdown. Breakdowns in coverage, breakdowns in tackling, breakdowns in how and what we pride ourselves on as a defense. So, you know, we're going to have to look at this film, and we're going to have to swallow it. And we got five games left, we're going to have to make a decision as a defense and as a team, and what we are going to do going forward. And I know the guys in the room, there's some veterans on the team that have been through some hard times, or some young guys that maybe this is the first adversity like this that they faced before, but we're going to we got to come together, and I think that's the biggest thing. Come together and respond and finish this. Going into next week, take this film, learn from it and grow.

Q: It seemed like there were, at least in the first half, they got their tight ends, opening coverage kind of behind you and in front of the safeties. What was that? Was that boss? Was that just a good scheme? What was the issue there?

A: A little bit of both. I'd say there was one third down and the tight end just kind of got hit over in front of (Tyler) Nubin.  And that was my fault. I must get deeper and zone coverage and protect him better. And then they had a throwback play, which, you know, I was on it, but I must be better and get that ball out. So that was just them making a play versus us making a play. And, you know, there was a lot of that throughout the day. And then as the game went on, there were just some busts overall, just complete busts. Corner, I think I just didn't count sideline. I didn't see the number one receiver out there, he was uncovered and it was an easy touchdown. So, there was a lot of things that led to those explosive plays led to those touchdowns and we have you cleaned up.