
Women's Golf Blog: Party of One

Have you ever gone to a restaurant or movie alone? Have you ever had a period of days that you spent by yourself? For some people that may sound utterly dreadful, for others a "dream". Finally, some peace and quiet. Certainly, there is a lot we can learn when we are by ourselves. It forces us to pay more attention perhaps to what's around us, as well as what lies within us.
I recently had the opportunity to travel with one of my players, rather than the entire team. Mathilde Delavallade qualified to compete in the NCAA Regionals at the University of Georgia. We certainly would have loved if the entire team qualified since they were very close, however, that did not happen. In the world of collegiate golf this is quite an honor and more difficult to do as an individual. I was honored to accompany her to this prestigious event. 
It began with a 3 a.m. "pick up" outside her apartment on Sunday in order to get to Harrisburg for our early morning departure to Atlanta. I know it sounds crazy, it felt almost that to me, as I drove past the parties on "frat row" still taking place. However, it wasn't crazy, Mathilde had decided rather than depart on Saturday for our practice round on Sunday, she would attend her graduation ceremony. Not only that, but her parents also flew in from France to attend as well. First things first! Alas, it is true at Penn State the athletes we recruit do believe highly and take pride in getting their degree! So, we arrived in Atlanta, quickly made our way to Athens just in time to catch her pairing making the turn to the back nine. She teed it up and off we went! Needless to say, her first round the next day she was playing the front nine for the first time. Those of you that know golf, appreciate how difficult this is to do. In particular on this course which had its share of "blind" shots! She finished the day with a very respectable 3-over par score. In a field of the top collegiate players the course average was just over that mark. 
We went on the have four days on the road together, sure not completely "alone" but certainly alone in the respect of the usual six other people we are used to traveling with. Spending the time together was not difficult at all, in fact we both found it to be quite easy. No discussion on what time we had to leave, when you have more players there is always someone that needs more time. No discussion on what we would wear the next day, when you have your full team there is always someone who doesn't like the navy shorts or the black top! We had moments of great conversations, moments of hysterical laughter and moments of just being together in a space that was "unfamiliar".  Mathilde represented Penn State in all the ways that make me proud to be her coach. She was respectful to her playing partners, grateful to all the volunteers, and a stellar competitor! I am also grateful for this experience. It taught me more, it gave me time alone with someone I have deep respect and admiration. Being "a party of one" is not always what we think we may want, but it certainly can be just what we need!