
Mental Health Awareness Month: Importance to Penn State Men’s Soccer

Penn State men's soccer recognizes the significance of mental health not just during the month of May, but in every month of the year. It is a topic that the team is very passionate about, especially concerning Division I student-athletes. 
"We recognize the magnitude of mental health and how it can affect anyone and everyone in different ways," said co-captain Peter Mangione. "Celebrating mental health awareness month serves as a reminder to be open about our struggles with those around us not just during the month of May, but all year round."
Head coach Jeff Cook emphasizes the importance of recognizing what his student-athletes may be dealing with and wants to create an open environment of discussion within the team. 
Cook came across a book called The Barcelona Complex, by Simon Kuper. The publication details the making of Barcelona FC, one of the world's most prestigious and influential sports clubs. A part that struck him was about Andrés Iniesta, a famous athlete from the club. The book outlines his struggles with mental health, specifically anxiety and depression.
Barcelona FC and head coach at the time Pep Guardiola, allowed Iniesta to take a day off or simply walk out of training if his mind was not feeling well that day, without any need for explanation. The Spanish native illustrated the impact that initiative had on him in a way that allowed him to manage his anxiety and depression. 
As the leader of Penn State men's soccer, Cook introduced this concept to his team and explained the back story. Cook, along with the rest of the staff, adopted the same idea and have implemented it into their program.
They call it the "Iniesta" rule. If any of the athletes need to take a day when they are not feeling well mentally, they can without any explanation or implication against them.
"If there is a time you are not feeling well and you feel like you need a break, you are more than welcome, without explaining why or asking permission, to take a 'siesta'," Cook said to his team.
'Siesta' is a play of Andres Iniesta's last name and means, rest or break in Spanish.
Cook reiterates, "We really want to emphasize first and foremost wellness, feeling good and that having the support of those around you is very important. This concept is something we introduced this spring and I think it's given our guys the understanding that we are here for them in good times when things are going great, and in times when maybe we need a little bit of extra support.
Junior Mangione, along with the rest of the team, is supportive of this theme within the program. He says, "Penn State men's soccer is determined to learn, educate and take action to end the stigma associated with mental health, especially with student-athletes."