Postgame Press Conference - Penn State Players (West Virginia)

Drew Allar | QB | So.
Q: You combined with Keandre for two touchdowns tonight. Can you talk about your relationship with him?
A: Yeah, I mean, the relationship with the receivers as a whole is really good. Obviously, this summer was huge for us. I remember talking back in the spring about how big it was going to be. I think it really paid off with all the work that we put in through camp, and obviously Dre had a really good game tonight, and so did a lot of other receivers. Yeah, I mean just a credit to all the work that we put in.
Q: You talk about all the work that you have been putting in, how rewarding is it for you to have a performance like that?
A: Yeah, I mean, it's really rewarding. I mean, as a quarterback the only stat I really care about are the wins at the end of the day. To beat a team like West Virginia in a great environment is definitely really cool, especially being my first start.
Q: Can you take us through the first touchdown pass? What did it mean to get that, not out of the way, but to get that under your belt?
A: Yeah, West Virginia called a really good coverage against the play we had on. I was just trying to step up in the pocket looking for Dre and I saw the field safety space across the field, and I just stepped up and threw it. Obviously, it is really, really good for us as a whole offense to get off to a fast start. That's one of our points of emphasis throughout the week, getting a fast start and putting points on the board, specifically touchdowns. It didn't matter if it was a passing touchdown or a rushing touchdown. It just matters that we got a touchdown.
Johnny Dixon | CB | Senior
Q: On that ball that you looked like you were tracking well, did the wide receiver affect what happened and knock you off balance?
A: A little bit. I could have been better with my body and slowed down more then when straight up and caught it, but I was a fading a bit when I tried to grab it. If you try to jump through me, you end up turning to the DB.
Q: How would you evaluate the defense tonight? Are these types of games more frustrating to you?
A: Every game needs plays out there. You have to be patient and play good defense.
Curtis Jacobs | LB | Jr.
Q: West Virginia has a really good offensive line to go with a really good running game and I thought Penn State, for the amount of times the Mountaineers ran the football, has come a long way with its run defense better and better every single year. What would you say to that?
A: Well, we take pride in that. It's probably rule number one or two in Manny's defense. We have to stop the run. Everything else follows after that. So, just being able to be physical, play physical, get downhill and everyone doing their job. That helps us. That helps us do a lot.
Q: What did you learn about yourself and about the team after today's win?
A: We're resilient. Obviously, they came down and punched us in the mouth early with that touchdown. And to see the offense come right back out and strike down the score. It gives you confidence just being able to play complimentary football like that.
Q: You probably don't care what the rest of the world thinks to a certain extent, but I think when we talk about this defense, so many guys get mentioned and you go "oh, that's right Curtis is out there." I mean do you feel, not overlooked, but is there a part of you that kind of enjoys maybe just doing your job in silence kind of thing?
A: Honestly, I could play football without recognition and be fine. This game has done so much for me, and I love this game so much that I just go out there and I play. I don't really feed into stuff like that. Obviously, it's great that my teammates get the recognition that they deserve because I see them work every day, but I'm just playing football man. I love going out there and just attacking.
Kobe King | LB | R-So.
Q: How would you rate the defensive, or defense's performance, just all around, is there anything you guys could have done better?
A: I don't want to put it, I don't want to disclose a rate category, but I would say we have to do a lot better. There were a lot of good things we've seen from guys today, but there's a lot we can improve on. But you know, we got the win, that's what we need.
Q: Is there anything in particular that you have to improve on?
A: Everything. Everything I would say. We've got to keep talking week by week, day by day getting better, correcting the mistakes so we don't make them again.
Q: After you come off the field today are you talking to your brother, or are you talking to your teammates, what do you remember from this night because obviously you know, it's an important one to remember.
A: Oh first, you know how we break and we you know how we go across and talk to the other teams, I kind of just go around to all my guys and tell them first, like for me, instead of going to the other team's side, I tell them good job today but we still have a lot to improve on. I give guys their props and then I criticize them as well, but it's all a lot that we still have to work on collectively. So you know, I let those guys know and try to keep those guys heads up.
KeAndre Lambert-Smith | WR | Junior
Q: How would you describe that first touchdown throw to you?
A: It was definitely surprising. I didn't know that the defender was that close. I hadn't seen him reach for a ball so that was interesting.
Q: Did anything that Drew did tonight surprise you?
A: I would have to say that we have been putting in a great amount of chemistry, getting up together most of the time during the week when it's not mandatory and getting better chemistry. I am not surprised that we are clicking more. He had a lot of great plays, and that's what he showed last year, so I am not surprised. And that is just scratching the surface, I cannot wait to see how we continue to play.
Cam Miller | CB | So.
Q: I'm just curious what you saw from KeAndre during the preseason camp, we heard so many good things that kind of said what we saw today during West Virginia...
A: Yeah, KeAndre's a heck of a player. We battle in practice, every day he goes against the corners, he did a lot of good things in camp and as you can see it translates.
Q: And what is it about Dre when he gets that momentum rolling, that confidence going, what kind of a difference maker is he?
A: He's a big difference maker, his nickname is "big play dre" and you can see once he has that momentum, he continues to capitalize.
Chop Robinson | DE | Jr.
Q: Chop, how'd you play today?
A: I think I played pretty solid. I have some things to work on and learn from this game. I'm just going to pick on those things tomorrow in practice, watch film on it and go from there.
Q: In terms of stopping the run, how do you guys think you did?
A: Honestly, just keeping it vertical because they ran a lot of stretches and zones. As long as we keep playing vertical, we'll be straight.
Q: Did you guys learn anything playing a quarterback as mobile as him?
A: Yeah, we had different brushes we got to use against the offensive linemen when you have a quarterback that's mobile. So, I think learning from that and watching film when we see that will be effective for later in the season.
Nicholas Singleton | RB | So.
Q: Nick, what kind of changed for you guys in the second half? It felt like in the first half the offense was a bit slow for the first 30 minutes, but you guys really picked it up in the second half, what kind of changed at halftime?
A: You know, just trusting ourselves. Having that talk, we know we had to step it up because it was a close game, but you know, it was taking off and trying to turn it around.
Q: You made your reputation as a bit of a home-run hitter last year, big runs tonight, but did you think with the threat Drew is going to provide you guys in the passing game will open up some holes?
A: Oh yeah, this following week, next week whatever it is, his ability to throw the ball will help us and me and Kaytron on a running back run so, we've got a good lineup.
Q: How would you assess Kaytron's game tonight?
A: Oh he's good, you know he always plays a good game, he's a hard runner, a really physical runner so he's always good.
Harrison Wallace | WR | R-So.
Q: What about his plays, how did he (Allar) handle things, calmly?
A: Yeah, just like when things didn't go great, he was always around to get everything situated for the next guy and then just came out ready to play.
Sal Wormly | OL | Redshirt Senior
Q: How did you think Drew did? How was his demeanor?
A: He was really poised. He did exactly what we all thought he was going to do. We see him in practice. We just had a month of camp with him, and the guy didn't throw a [pick] until three weeks into camp. We all know what Drew can do.
Q: How would you describe KeAndre? People know him for big plays, but he must be more than those big plays, correct?
A: He has a lot of personality; he likes to talk and be in the spotlight, he's got that in him. I am not usually watching the wide receivers but if he is scoring touchdowns that's good with me.