Postgame Press Conference - Penn State Players (Delaware)

Drew Allar | QB | So.
Q: How do you feel about the run game today? You were able to get five or six runs and it looks like you were getting pretty good shots. 
A: Yeah, I mean, I don't practice just one way or the other. It's a part of the game. Just look at the defense they were dropping a lot of aid and coverage. They had an outstanding scheme to their defense and you can see how they are going to do so well at their level. They did some really good things on defense and they took away some of our stuff and sometimes, when they drop it you, you just need to step up in the pocket look it through and then just take off.

Q: How do you feel the offense has been through the first few games?
A: I think we've been really well balanced for the first few games and I think we take pride in that. There are times where we might have to run the ball and we have to sometimes throw the ball. I think we're going to be able to do that well, so I think it's just really taking advantage of what the defense is going to give us because the defense can't take away everything on the field that's how football works. They're always going to be giving up something, so we just have to be keen to what they are giving up and take advantage of that as much as possible.

Tyler Warren | TE | Jr.
 Q: How fun is it to see guys that don't necessarily get playing time get in there?
A: "When we get in situations at the end of the game where everyone can get in and pay off the hard work they've been doing, it is good to see the young guys get in there and get experience. I think that's going to be useful to them.
Q: We hear it all the time that teams grow a lot from week one to week two. What were things from week one that you guys wanted to work on and did well today?
A: As an offense, just passing, growing on our passing game from last week and establishing that run this week is important. I think we did that.
Q: How does it feel to be hitting the road next week and get that Big Ten schedule started?
A: There's a lot of great teams in our conference, so we're going to take it one day at a time and focus on getting better at practice each day and taking care of the game.
Nicholas Singleton | RB | So. 
Q: What have you learned from Kaytron [Allen]?
A: Yeah, he's been helping me a lot. Obviously, the patience he has, I try to play a game like that. You know he's a physical runner so, I'm trying to be a physical runner too. 
Q: What is this team doing right now that makes you think you're ready for the Big Ten?
A: We're just playing physical. Coach Franklin always says, to just take one game at a time, having good practices and stuff. 
Kaytron Allen | RB | So. 
 Q: When you scored today, there was a release of emotion within you. What was going through your mind at that point?
A: I just love getting my hands on the ball. Anytime I can do that I just express myself. 
Q: What went through your mind knowing that Coach Franklin considers both you and Nick Singleton starters?
A: It feels good. When he sees something and when I feel something we both feed off each other. He's like my brother from another mother.
Keaton Ellis | S | Sr.
Q: James talked about that one Delaware touchdown rush, what did you see from that and what went wrong there and how did you guys catch up?
A: We're obviously going to watch the tape on it. I know we're going learn from that. As a defense, we strive for perfection. You have to make sure everyone is doing their job and being consistent. It starts with me. Stuff like that happens. It's a bit of a bounce back, but it's just a mentality that we have.
Q: How do you feel when the secondary has played the first few games and how eager are you to be tested now that the Big Ten season is getting close?
A: You know we are always looking to improve and get better, and I'll start with myself and go from there. Constant improvement is what we are looking for and we played good football but there is room for us to improve. Our goal each week in practice is to get better so our main goal is to learn from what happened last week.

Beau Pribula | QB | Redshirt Fr.
Q: What was it like to get in with the starters and get some time with them today?
A: It's always good to get experience and get the reps, which I got a good amount of, and to put together successful drives,which is my main goal which we did.
Q: What was it like to play with Dominic DeLuca as Pennsylvania guys and what was your observation on how he played today?
A: Dom is one of my best friends on the team, we're next-door neighbors and we hang out all the time. He deserves that score and the whole team knows he deserves that score because he's one of our hardest workers. He is a straight up natural born leader.
Q: James indicated that he could see instances where you could get rotated in a little bit earlier in the game. How cool would that be for you and how dangerous do you think this offense could be?
A: Anything I can do to help this offense and create a different threat. I'm completely willing to do that and get into the games to do what I have to to help move the offense and create a different element.
Caedan Wallace | OL | R-Sr.
Q: When you guys were able to put points on the board so consistently, and then have your second team and third team also out there doing the same thing, what does that say about this group and what does that feel like to see that happen?
A: For me, I'm a guy's guy. Seeing my freshmen get in the game today out there against all these special attackers was great. They finally got a chance to show some stuff and seeing that was like seeing things come full circle.
Dominic DeLuca | LB | R-So.
Q: What's been the biggest difference for you this year, maybe from last year?
A: Just understanding what plays come out of certain formations. I mean, the film study, that's huge. Also, talking to Curtis Jacobs when he comes off the field, I ask him what he sees. We do the same to each other. We're always talking, we're always communicating what we see and how we can play it.
Zane Durant | DT | So.
Q: What type of things do you think you could improve upon going into next week?
A: We just have to play together. We need to know what everyone is doing and build on that.
Q: For the young guys, how important is that playing experience?
A: It's truly important because I was in their shoes last year and I played a lot being a true freshman. It helped mold me into the player I am today.
Jaylen Reed | S | Jr.
Q: Especially when it comes to man coverage, most safeties are better at zone, sitting back and reading the quarterback, and you guys are asked to go head-to-head against a receiver in the slot. What are you primarily working on in practice to go away from the status quo of what a safety means to be in this Penn State defense?
A: You just go get your confidence. You have to have confidence and the way that Manny [Diaz] coaches, you have no choice because he puts you in a tough situation. He depends on his DBs and we are going to show up every time for him. I'm happy to have him as a coach and I'm happy he can put us in a situation that makes us better and builds our confidence.  

Q: What is it like to have the quality of safeties for this team? How important is it for the defense that any of you can rotate into those different safety spots and there is no drop off in the level of the play? 
A: It's a great thing. It's a great defense and as you can see, a lot of teams in the past that have won big time games have a lot of depth. It brings a good aspect to our game especially the guys in my room, all the way down to the young guys.