
Penn State Edged Out by Queens

State College, PA – Penn State Edged out by Queens in a 20-26 loss.

In a high-voltage clash against Queens, the Penn State Nittany Lions experienced a disheartening loss, with the final scoreboard reflecting 26-20 in Queens' favor, despite the Lions dominating significant segments of the match.

Penn State opened the game assertively, dictating the tempo, and maintaining a stranglehold on both territory and possession. Penn State's, Darby Miller made an early mark, scoring in the corner, 10 minutes into the match. However, the conversion was missed, setting the score at 5-0.  PSU dominated possession and territory for the remainder of the half but handling errors and a lack of discipline allowed Queens to stay in the game.  Queens managed to enter Penn State's twenty two only twice and unfortunately walked away with a late try and went into half time tied 5-5

Miranda Hefellfinger slotted a penalty to increase Penn State's lead to 8-5. But Queens answered back with two converted tries moving the score to 19-8.  Penn State's Jaida Rudkin, slipped through the defense, trimming Queens's lead to 19-15 as time ticked down.  Queens added one more converted try putting the game out of reach for PSU. Despite the lack of time, Penn State never gave up and orchestrated another incisive try leaving the score at 26-20.

While Penn State demonstrated undeniable talent and periods of domination, handling errors and lapses in discipline in the latter stages proved detrimental, offering Queens the necessary footholds to climb back into contention and ultimately seal the game.  

Jaida Rudkin '25
Darby Miller '25
Merrin McSorley '25

Miranda Heffelfinger '24

Penalty Kicks
Miranda Heffelfinger '24

Upcoming Matches and a Special Memorial

Penn State will be competing away this weekend against Providence College and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. They are set to play at home again on October 21st against Army.

The teams match against Army will hold special significance as it will be dedicated to celebrating the life and memory of Alex Weisser, a recent Penn State Rugby Alumnae and Assistant Coach who tragically passed away in late May. Penn State Rugby extends an invitation to all of Alex's teammates and anyone wishing to commemorate her life. Additional details regarding the memorial game will be available in the forthcoming week.