Postgame Press Conference - Penn State Players - UMass

Drew Allar | QB | Soph.
Q: How would you evaluate your performance through this game?
A: I feel like I've done a good job. Definitely some things I could have cleaned up or been better at, but I feel like, overall, I've been pretty efficient for the most part just being on the same page with Coach Yurcich and Coach Franklin, doing a good job communicating with the o-line and the receivers, and I think that goes for everybody.
Q: When Daequan Hardy has a game like today, does that have an impact on not just him or the special teams unit, but maybe for the entire team?
A: Yeah, it's definitely a huge boost of confidence. It just sets up the whole team. That was the first score today and that gave the whole team a jolt of energy and I think that was very big for our success. He wasn't only making plays on special teams, but it's huge when the special teams gets involved in the pack.
Kaytron Allen | RB | Soph.
Q: Did you do anything different during the week?
A: I actually didn't. I stayed here. I was watching YouTube and stuff and looking at other players. I'm always trying to learn more. I'm all about learning and seeing where we got to get better.
Q: What players do you like to watch the most? Would you say you model your game after them?
A: Le'Veon Bell. I like watching him a lot. Josh Jacobs. I like watching running backs. And yeah, you could say I model my game after them. I try to take something from everybody.
Q: What is the preparation to go from a team like UMass to a huge rival like Ohio State?
A: I'm just thankful for the win today. I'm just going to enjoy this win today. And when it's time to focus on them, it's time to get that done.
Dominic DeLuca | LB | R-So.
Q: What does of say about the accountability of the defense as a whole, it is now two times in three weeks where no matter who is in there you are able to hold on and get that shutout?
A: I mean everyone's doing their job. Also, having that killer mentality that Coach Diaz emphasizes a lot. He also emphasizes having fun playing the game, to enjoy being on the field, and celebrating with your brothers because you don't get many opportunities.
Q: You mentioned killer mentality there, what kind of attitude does Coach Diaz have?
A: I mean, he wants us be team leaders, we havethe opportunity to do that, and we're going to do the best we can. I mean, he coaches the starters the same way he coaches the backups, no difference for him. He just wants everyone to do great.
Daequan Hardy | CB | R-Sr.
Q: When did you know you were gone on that first return?
A: Once I got past the first line I kind of just kept running and realized I could go all the way and it felt really good.
Q: Did you know you were going to break a record today for first Penn State player ever to score two punt return touchdown?
A: Not really, I just try to go out there and just play football and play the game to the best of my ability.
Olaivavega Ioane | OL | R-Fr.
Q: Theo (Johnson) is someone who factors into the running game sometimes and we saw him have kind of a break last game who looked like the Theo we saw last year, what does having him at tight end do for you guys?
A: Theo is a great leader that we have on this team. When he comes out there he plays everything intentionally, he plays hard, he plays to the whistle and he is just a great addition to our running game.
Adisa Isaac | DE | R-Sr.
Q: Do you feel like Ohio State is a test to find out just how good you guys are?
A: For sure, it is another top 10 opponent. Obviously we've been battling these guys for years and years, so this is a great test for us and I'm looking forward to it.
Q: Can you feel the fear of opponents when you go out there knowing the kind of reputation you guys have?
A: Sometimes you may feel like an opponent is just not there but, I feel like all of our opponents try to put their best foot forward. I feel like just the work that we put in throughout the week, there is nothing that could match the practice. Practice is the most important thing in the world for us but we just come out there and do our routine and we don't really watch our opponent, we focus on how we are going to be our best.
Theo Johnson | TE | Jr.
Q: What was working today and what did that feel like to you?
A: I think we had a lot of good looks of some things some other teams did with a lot of crack replace stuff, a lot of easy flat thrills that we thought we could exploit, so I think that it was good to be involved more in the game plan and to add a little bit more value and I'm just hoping to continue to do that.
Q: Drew is six starts in, halfway through the season, what have you seen with him in his first year starting?
A: I have a ton of respect for him, not only as a player but as a leader and as a competitor. I think he has grown every single week. He's coming into his own and speaking up more and I think the whole entire offense as well has a ton of respect for him so I am really excited to see what he has for us the rest of the season.
Cam Miller | CB | Soph.
Q: You (Penn State's defense) have dominated all these teams, how much does that help everybody's confidence on that side of the ball?
A: It helps a tremendous amount. That's the standard for us and the defense. We just lived up to that standard.
Q: Chop (Robinson) and Adisa (Isaac), how much did they make your job easier because the ball's got to come out quick or these guys are going down?
A: Yeah, those guys are really good. It definitely makes our job easier. The quarterback doesn't have time to sit back there and run through stuff. It's just great to have those guys.
Beau Pribula | QB | R-Fr
Q: Is this team where you thought it could be after seven weeks when you look back to what you expected before the season to now?
A: I think we're just taking it one week at a time, working on getting better, but I think we are still excellent.
Q: First year starters, young quarterbacks in the room, how have they all the way collectively kind of shattered those lower expectations and basically beat the stereotypes here that you guys weren't ready to take this on?
A: First of all, I don't think any of us really listened to anything on the outside. So, collectively, as a group we work on playing on the field and executing the game plan. Again, everything that the coaches do for us, the quarterback coaches, we give a lot of credit to them for getting us prepared.
Q: As a dual threat quarterback, do you like the rainy games, do you like having more opportunities for running?
A: It doesn't really matter what the weather is really. If it's raining, snowing, dry, it doesn't really matter because we just do what we have to do and get it done.
Chop Robinson | DE | Jr.
Q: When you have a quarterback in your sight what is that like?
A: When I have a quarterback in my sight I just think that I want to go get them. Sometimes it's like it's in slow motion when you get so close, but honestly just go get them, that's the main goal.
Q: What you guys have done overall as a team, how has that prepared you for the second half of this schedule, which is going to be quite a bit tougher?
A: Honestly, for us it's just learning from our mistakes from every game and then building from there.