Postgame Press Conference: Indiana Coach/Players

Penn State Football
Indiana Postgame Press Conference
October 28, 2023
Head Coach Tom Allen
Opening Statement:
Just a very disappointed locker room, the guys are disappointed, they played their hearts out. There were a couple of turnovers that were costly, but I am proud of our team and proud of the fight.
Q: It's the end of week nine, in terms of special team mistakes, what can you do to clean those up right now at this point of the season?
A: We have  to catch punts and we had penalties that can't happen. I was concerned about that already before the game started, so that proved to be true. To me we have to continue to work on that and take every advantage we have to try to win and finish the game.
Q: You mentioned self inflicted mistakes the last couple of weeks. Do you feel you can walk away and feel good about how the defense played at times?
A: I feel like we definitely hurt ourselves. There is no question that we play good enough to win the game.  Just didn't finish it. They battled and fought and I am very very proud of all of them.
Q: You mentioned finishing drives being an issue early on in the year. You guys had a really good drive in the second half, is there something that it's built off of?
A: Absolutely. Offensively, we could run the football more effectively today. That takes pressure off the quarterback and takes pressure off of the throw getting into a bad situation. So, there's no doubt we are going to build off of that. At the end of the day though, we have to win.
Brendan Sorsby | QB | R-Fr.
Q: What happened on the play where you hit your shoulder a little funny?
A: Not really sure what happened, I've got to go back and watch what actually happened, but you know it's football. I told him I was fine, and so I was going back out there.
Q: From week to week, do you feel more comfortable with the offense and feel like you're getting better?
A: Oh, yeah. I felt really comfortable out there this week. The O-line did a great job helping me out, running backs ran the ball really well. So, it's easy to let go whenever everybody else around you is playing really well.
Jaylin Lucas | RB/RS | So.
Q: Does anything change week to week with your own personal mindset, has anything changed with that?
A: There's really just a mental aspect to the game. You got to know what you're planning for and take the game seriously, take the coaching seriously. We got to take what we did well today and take it into practice on Tuesday.
Q: How do you make that mental adjustment?
A: The season goes how we make it go. We need to pick it up. In order to make it to this point in our careers, we had to be good. We all just got to stick to our individual game. Just keep being me, keep who you are in mind and you can shut the world out on Saturdays.