Postgame Press Conference - Penn State Players

Dvon Ellies | DT | R-Senior 
Q: With it being your second senior day, what went into the process last year and the decision to come back?
A: The senior day decision was more so for my family if anything. If last year was going to be my last time in Beaver, I wanted my family to be there. I also just wanted them to experience something like that. It's a special moment.
Q: Coach Franklin says he wishes everyone could have heard what you and Theo shared in the locker room, and the messages you were sharing. You guys overcame a lot this week to put on a performance and get that win. What does that mean about the culture of this team, and what did you share with your teammates? 
A: We are all oriented towards getting better, at the end of the day our goal is to be our best selves and that is what we strive for, especially coming out of the week that we had. The message was that we just need to appreciate it. The whole team really appreciates coach Franklin and everything he does. If anybody thinks that they want it more than coach Franklin, or anybody else in the building, then there is a serious problem because nobody wants it more than us.
Keaton Ellis | S | Senior
Q: After an emotional game like this, how do you come down from that emotion and keep the status quo to focus on Michigan State?
A: I had my moments, you know, pregame and postgame. It was kind of just for me individually, it was definitely about taking this day, reflecting, and being appreciative of the opportunities I had. Beaver Stadium was unlike any other, I'm just very thankful that I was able to play here and play in front of the best fans in the country. 
Q: From your perspective how would you describe your play today?
A: I think I have really good ball skills when the ball is in the air, working from playing corner. I think I just bring a versatile style of play. I play multiple positions. I can play from anywhere on the field. My physicality when it comes to tackling is really good.
Olu Fashanu | OL | Senior
Q: Are you proud of this team? 
A: Yeah, I'm extremely proud of this team, at the end of the day I'm really blessed to be surrounded by a great group of hardworking guys and it's nice to see everyone bounce back the way we did this weekend. At the end of the day I'm really proud of our team. 
Q: Did you talk to Drew either on the sideline or after the game, and what's he like right now?
A: I haven't checked on him after the game, but on the sideline I talked to him. You know with him, like I said, no matter how Drew feels during the game he's always sort of the same guy, so even though I checked on him he was still the same guy. He was still encouraging the offense and we told him that we have his back no matter what. 
Q: When Kaytron has some of those physical runs that dish out some contact, do they carry a little more weight during the course of the possession? 
A: Of course, it's a mentality thing, with how hard our running backs run, constantly grinding out gains. Three-yard gains turning into seven-yard gains in the fourth quarter, it's just a mentality thing and it shows this type of effort and strength that we all have. 
Theo Johnson | TE | Senior
Q: What was it like to walk out of the tunnel and hug him (James Franklin) considering how much you appreciate him?
A: It was a special moment, obviously the guy (James Franklin) gave me a chance and believed in me, so I'm grateful for the opportunity. He's been awesome for me and everyone else since I got here, so I have a tremendous love and respect for Coach Franklin. 
Q: How did James respond to your speech in the locker room? Was he surprised do you think?
A: I think that I caught him off guard just because he doesn't really get a lot of appreciation and recognition sometimes. I wanted to do that just to kind of let him know that we appreciate him, so he was definitely caught off guard and a little emotional. 
Q: Why was the timing right for that approach (the speech) on this specific day (senior day)? 
A: I just think that there's a lot of attention on the seniors and what we've done for the program and I just wanted to shed some light on coach Franklin, because you know he's been through a lot of senior days and sometimes I think that he doesn't get his flowers when he should. I just wanted to tell him how much we appreciate him and how much I personally appreciate him and how much he's done for me. 
Q: Only 14 passes today. From the beginning of the season to now we've seen so much change to your involvement. How do you deal with the change from week to week?
A: I think it's really just all about getting the win at the end of the day, and if I am more involved or less involved there are things that I can do to impact the game. If I'm not getting the ball, I can still impact the game by being a relentless run blocker and being a great leader. Not getting the ball as much is all good because I can still impact the game in other ways. 
Kobe King | LB | R-Sophomore
Q: What is it like to play with a guy like Beau Pribula as a runner? 
A: Beau is a great player and a great guy on and off the field. He approaches everything the same way, the energy he brings is amazing. He's a great runner, I didn't know he was that fast. He has helped us out a lot and he showed that today and I am proud of that. 
Q: Chop Robinson's impact on the game, how would you describe that? 
A: Effective. With communication and seeing how he played and seeing the details he was adding on. But I think everybody played effective today and really communicated well. I think because it was Chop's last game in Beaver Stadium, he probably had a different sense of urgency on his shoulder. He came out and played hard, he was disruptive all day.
Hunter Nourzad | OL | Senior + 
Q: I saw a lot of emotion from the guys since it's senior day, especially among the lineman. How close have you built a connection with that crew, and what does it mean to be a family? 
A: I mean, I feel really close, especially with the offensive line. I think they did an incredible job when I got here making me feel included, like a part of the family. So, because of that, we've all really grown to like each other, and we've become really close.
Q: At one point you guys had 17 straight runs with Beau in as quarterback. Did you take time to notice that while you were going through the game at all? 
A: I noticed that we were running the ball a lot. It wasn't really a problem, since it was working we were happy to do it.
Q: James talked about the importance of finishing blocks and playing with a physical, nasty mentality. How much of that mentality played into today's game with the amount of touchdowns that you scored. 
A: When you do stuff like that, like finishing blocks, it is just a reflection of the toughness and the physicality within the group. We've always tried to embody that, and sometimes there's more of an emphasis on it.
Beau Pribula | QB | Sophomore
Q: Can you take us through the long run that you had right after you came in and just take us through that play? And then what did that mean for you and the entire offense?
A: I think it was super important to have an explosive play like that, just to set the tone and it was turned off. Set up the RBs and ensure the running back had the option to throw as well.
Q: They say that you have to prepare to be the starter every week. But can it be a little frustrating to prepare every week and not get into games? What's it like when you finally get in?
A: I think it's a difficult thing to do. But I always take pride in preparing as if I'm the starter and obviously, you know, when the time arises like it did today, I was prepared and ready to go. It's great, all of the offensive coaches got me prepared for this, they're always staying on me and making sure I know everything and I'm ready to go at all times.
Chop Robinson | DE | Senior+
Q: How does it feel to make that strip sack and the quarterback has no idea that you're coming?
A: It's a really good feeling. I was trying to time the snap when he was snapping the ball under five seconds, so I was keying that the whole game and then once I jumped out of my stance and I see that I am halfway past him (the offensive lineman) I just swiped his hands and just sacked him. 
Q: When you've had to sit out a few games, how much more eager do you get to get back into it especially when the defense is doing so well?
A: You know, it was hard being away from the team and missing those two games, but I knew it was the best thing for me and my health came first, but once I got back, I knew that I had to give it my all and show everyone I am going to battle for everything.
Q: Do you think that the defense has their mojo back after a game like this?
A: Yeah, it was a tough loss last week, but we learned from our mistakes and moved on and we got that chemistry back. 
Q: Coach Franklin talked about Theo Johnson's speech in the locker room just now and said it was kind of emotional, what was really his message there? 
A:  Every week Coach Franklin says that it always starts with 'I love you' and always ends with 'I love you,' but Theo was telling him that we really appreciate him, and we really love him because he does so much behind the scenes, he sacrifices a lot and he never misses a day of his job. Without him we wouldn't be the team that we are. We wouldn't be the men that we are, so having him is just a blessing. 
Kevin Winston Jr. | S | Sophomore
Q: What has the adversity this season taught you about yourself as a player and your teammates.
A: For me, no matter what the circumstance the standard doesn't change. It's the same week every week and you have to apply yourself the same. Just because we lost a game doesn't mean, 'oh this game we lose.' It's always every week, and each week, we take in that game no matter if it's a win, we take that win, or if it's a loss, you take in that loss. The next day you're right back to the next goal, the next team that you're playing against and apply that. 
Q: You were sitting back and reading a quarterback and you had your first career interception. What are you looking for in general or are you looking for a specific matchup?
A: I look at a lot of things. Keys that can give me an idea at the routes that they're going to be running, where the running back lines up, splits from the receivers, things just to make it easier so I am not in my mind defending so many routes. Once you break it down like that there's only so many routes you can get, and it makes you play faster and gives you a better idea of how you can jump certain routes and things like that. 
Q: When you talk about the defensive line especially Chop (Robinson), you could probably tell that Chop and those guys were going to get to the quarterback early.
A: Yeah, our whole D-Line is crazy, and you highlight Chop but that whole D-Line no matter who it is. I know that when I drop back, the majority of the time the quarterback is only going to have two or three seconds and then the ball is going to have to come out or they're going to hit the ground. It's a great feeling knowing that and knowing that you can play more aggressive on certain routes or play receivers a certain way.