“You’ve heard us talk about the Penn State Hockey culture before, and he’s just a guy who understood it right away; he’s a born leader and positive influence, through and through,” said head coach Guy Gadowsky. “There’s no situation that he doesn’t make better, he’s truly an amazing person.”
As a team that experienced immense adversity in its early stages this season, and despite their competitive efforts, could not find themselves into the win column in conference play until their 10th Big Ten game, Dyck became the beacon of hope this team needed.
Praised for his ability to lead by example and be an insufferably positive role model, the team slowly rallied around him and adopted his mentality, and haven’t looked back since. Despite all odds, Penn State clawed its way back through an insurmountable comeback, as the team who was first written off, to now a national title contender.
“For us in that situation, it would have been so easy to fold, but Carson Dyck was the main guy that would refuse to let anyone be negative,” said Gadowsky. “The impact he’s had on this program is incredible. What an amazing feat this was to come back from where this team started, to make the tournament, and he deserves so much of that credit.”
Selected as a captain by his teammates ahead of the 2024-25 season, Dyck has received praise throughout the locker room for his vocal leadership abilities, his level of competitiveness and integrity, and positive attitude.
Off the ice, whether this be organizing opportunities to bond as a team or offer mentorship to younger players, or on the ice by challenging his teammates to put forth their best effort every day, he has made massive contributions to this team that often go unnoticed