Before Penn State… || High School PRs || 1600m: 4:10.01, 800m: 1:52.24 || High School || Letterwinner for Jason Strom...Cross country division 1 title (2017)...Indoor track leagues and county title (2018)...Outdoor track division champions (2018)...Nine-time letterwinner in track/cross country and also earned letters in wrestling and soccer...Two-time All-American…Section XI record holder in the distance medley relay, 4x800m indoors and outdoors…State record holder in the 4x800m relay...State champion in the 1600m and 800m (2018)…Runner-up in the 1600m (2018)...4x800m state champion (2017)...Five-time Section XI county champion…News Day All-Long Island in track and cross country...Track and XC captain in 2018…Section XI MVP || Personal || Son of Xiomara and Jason Claiborne…Has a twin brother, Isaiah, and two sisters, Gizele and Viviana...Born on December 19, 1999...Undecided on a major...Chose Penn State because “The team felt like home.”
Elijah Claiborne Season 2018
ClassFreshmanHometownNorthport, N.Y.High SchoolNorthport
MajorDivision of Undergraduate Studies