Penn State Players Transcript

Dec. 14, 2007

Jeremy Boone, Freshman, Punter

How would you assess your season?

I would say it ended up pretty good. We had a great coverage team. I would have to give almost all the success to them. I had 10 guys that protected me for each game and guys running down the field. I had a great long-snapper. When you don't have to focus on whether the ball is going to be right, left, high, or on the ground, it makes the job a lot easier. I would definitely say we had a successful season.

Is there a game that sticks out as your most memorable this season?

Not really. There were different highs and lows that came from each game. I was just trying to take each game and just try and get better. No game really sticks out in my mind because one game I might have had a long punt or the other game I might have been able to put guys inside the 20. Overall, I just think each game was a success.

How did it feel to be recognized by the Big Ten?

It was a great honor and great for me to be recognized. I think it was better for the guys because we came in and last year, we were top two in the Big Ten. Coach Johnson, at the beginning of the year, said he wanted us to be number one (in net punting). To be number one in the Big Ten at the end of the season is just a great feeling for myself and the guys.

What expectations do you have for the Alamo Bowl?

This will be my first game playing. I was able to go to the Orange Bowl and the Outback Bowl. I was able to follow (Jeremy) Kapinos all around. I'm sure he was glad to leave so I wouldn't be on his back the whole time. But I was able to see how he handled the different situations and everything. I'm just excited to be ready to go.

Have you watched any film of Texas A&M's special teams?

Yes. It's just like any other team we've played this year. We're going to have to perform and we'll have to execute on special teams.

Deon Butler, Junior, Wide Receiver

Anthony (Morelli) hasn't been around the media since after the Temple game. Is there a reason for that?

No. Sometimes guys just don't want to talk to the media. Maybe he is focusing in on the game and stuff. Maybe there is a lot more important stuff going on then talking to the media right now. Obviously he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders, being the quarterback of this team. Whatever he needs to do to get ready and focus on this game, we will support him. I wouldn't look too much into it. He is just trying to clear his head.

You don't think it has something to do with the frosty relationship he has had with the media?

No. I don't know how long that has been going on. He is the type of guy that speaks his mind. I don't think he is hiding form the media or anything like that. I think that it has more to do with clearing his head and focusing on the game.

What has his mood been in the locker room?

It has been great. He is always upbeat around us. He is comfortable around us obviously so, he just acts like a leader of this team. He has been the leader of this team and has continued to look like that over these past few weeks. He just looks like a guy who wants to go out with a bang, and end it on a good note against A&M.

Coming into this season you guys had a lot of expectations. What does this team lack that is keeping you from a national championship?

We came with high expectations. I think there are a lot of guys on the team that do not know what it takes to be an undefeated team. We have a good deal of guys that were on that 11-1 team, (in 2005) but a good deal of guys that were not on the 11-1 team. We know we are naturally talented and that we can play with any team in the nation, but it takes more then natural talent. Staying out of trouble off the field was a big thing that happened a lot this year. Just little things like that take away from the team. We need to trust our teammates and buckle down on those things. Talent is not everything when it comes to be on a national championship team.

Gerald Cadogan, Junior, Tackle

What has been the mood since the Michigan State loss?

The mood of the team has been good. Everyone has been working hard in practice and in the weight room. So that should carry over to the game. That is the basic mood.

What do you know about Texas A&M?

They are a strong team. They are a team similar to us. They play four quarters of hard football so we have to play our "A" game and be ready to play.

Do you think they are down since they lost their coach after that Texas game?

No, they are working as hard as we are. It's going to be a great game. Whoever brings their "A" game is going to win.

You guys finished 8-4 and that is not a bad season for most programs. But how do you feel? Do you guys feel you could have had a better season.

Anytime you don't win them all, you could always be better. You know going into this game, you want to have a win coming out of it. So we are getting focused for that.

Dan Connor, Senior, Linebacker

Were you surprised to win the Bendrick Award?

I was definitely surprised. Going against James (Laurinaitis) and (Glenn) Dorsey from LSU was tough. I was nervous at the ceremony. But I was glad that they called my name.

This bowl game is strength against strength, good defense against strong running game. Can you talk about that?

Yea, it is a good matchup. We are looking forward to it. We had a chance to look at them on tape. They have a real aggressive offensive line, big back, big quarterback and another quarterback that could hurt you. So we are looking forward to it.

What goes through your mind after the Michigan State game and how badly do you want to get back on the field?

It left a bad taste in the mouth for me, the defense, and the whole team in general. So we are excited to get another chance. I think the guys needed some time off to freshen up and put the entire season into perspective. Everyone on the team seems excited to get another shot and play in front of national audience.

How would you assess this season?

Well, we wanted to win them all. That is always our goal. But I think it was a good season. This bowl game is going to be big for us. We are excited about it and it's going to be the type of thing that can make this a memorable season.

Were injuries on the defensive line a possible cause of some defensive struggles?

That didn't help. When those guys go down, you lose three or four guys that were starting at the beginning of the season. But the guys that were playing in the Michigan State game are real good players. But depth may have hurt us.

Justin King, Junior, Cornerback

Sean Lee said even if he was a projected first round pick, he would stay. There is always a reason why you would leave. But can you convince us with a reason that you may not leave?

I love my teammates here. I love the coaches. All these guys are my friends.

Is there something for the defense to prove in this game?

We left the Michigan State game with a real bad taste in our mouth. We had to go through the pre-bowl practices, and the lingering taste of a loss does not feel good. We want to go out with a win.

Why do you think this season turned out the way it did?

To be completely honest, I really don't know. I felt like we could have had a better record than this prior to the season. But I think the ball bounced the opposite way. Sometimes we did not catch breaks.

Does the bowl game have any impact on your decision for the future? Do you have a timetable for your decision?

Probably not. I want to talk to my family and coaches and make the best decision for me.

Rodney Kinlaw, Senior, Tailback

How important is it for the seniors to go out with a win?

It is very important to come in after a tough game, so we just need to go out there and get a bowl win.

How tough was the Michigan State loss and how important is it to go out and get one more win?

It was very tough, especially being up by 17 points, and not being able to hold on to the lead. It was very tough. I think we are going to go out there and try to win this game and go out on a positive note.

Are you surprised the way Coach Paterno does things, meaning like not having email, just focusing on one thing only?

No, that is just the way Joe is. He probably has everything stored up in his head. He knows what he is going to do.

How did you feel about the play on Brent Carter in the Michigan State game when you came out injured?

He came in and did a great job. I got dinged up a little bit and he came in and picked up where I left off. So he did a great job.

How is Evan Royster?

He is good. He is practicing, so he should be 100 percent.

Dan Lawlor, Junior, Fullback

Describe the loss of Matt Hahn for the offense.

Losing Matt Hahn was a big loss for us because he's a great player. Coach Paterno told me I had to step up to the plate. Anything I could do to help the team and just did the best I could.

Have you thought much about Texas A&M?

We've obviously been thinking about it because it's a big game and they're a really good team. We're going to start breaking them down and going from there. I'm waiting for the game and we're going to have a good time at the Alamo Bowl.

Was it difficult for you to wait for your opportunity?

Yes, it has been difficult. That's how college football is. When you get your shot, you get your shot and you just have to make the best of it.

How tough is it to get that opportunity when the guy ahead of you goes down due to injury?

You don't like seeing guys get hurt and the injury that Hahn suffered, it's a really tough injury. He's going to get back on his feet and he'll be alright. But seeing him go down, everyone on the team felt bad. It was a really bad injury, so it was hard to watch.

The fullback position has changed since you were recruited. What has that been like?

We have really high-caliber receivers. We have Deon (Butler), Derrick (Williams), Jordan (Norwood), (Chris) Bell, and others that I didn't even mention. With our receivers, we can do a lot with the ball. With the fullback and running two backs, we can run the ball really well and that opens up the passing game for the receivers.

Do you view this bowl game as a good chance to get a leg-up on next year?

It's going to be an important game. I don't like looking ahead. I take one day at a time. When the game comes up, I'm going to give 100 percent and give everything I have.

Does it matter which back you're blocking for?

It doesn't matter. We have great backs. With Evan Royster back there or Rodney Kinlaw and Brent Carter is back there now since he switched over. It doesn't matter who I'm blocking for. They're always going to make the right reads and everything because they're good running backs.

Did it change your mentality when you found out Matt couldn't play anymore?

At the time when he got hurt, my first start was against Ohio State, so I was going against the number one team in the country in my first start. I was anxious and nervous since I just wanted to get on the field, play, and do the best that I could do. It was a long week I would say.

Sean Lee, Junior, Linebacker

Have you filled out any (NFL) paperwork? You said you were going to come back, but have you filled any paperwork?

I am definitely coming back for sure, but I have filled some paperwork. Just because it can't hurt me.

What if you heard back and it was good?

I would come back for sure. It is guaranteed that I am coming back. I am excited for next year.

Why would you file the paper work if you knew you wanted to come back?

Because I know it can't hurt me. If anything, I just want to get an evaluation and see what I need to work on. I am always trying to get better. There is nothing wrong with getting evaluated.

Would you want to stay outside, or do you want to follow the "trend" here and move inside?

I would play whatever. I think they are very similar positions a lot of times. Maybe it is a little bit more physical from the middle and I like that to some extent, but it really doesn't matter. They have a lot of the same situations.

What happened at Michigan State in the fourth quarter in your mind after you watched the tape?

We got beat...we didn't play well. I feel like the biggest problem with us this year is that we have been a little bit off and at this level it gets magnified. We didn't make a tackle here or not having coverage there, added up. They made some really nice plays and you have to give them credit. It is something that we need to get better at. We need to get more detailed like teams in the past. Especially like the team in 2005.

What has been the mood since the Michigan State game?

Not good. It has been bad. It ruins your Thanksgiving break. You just want to get a win and go home for the first time since August and it would have been a great feeling. But, Sunday after the game I was just watching the tape and just felt depressed. The first half looks good; I watched the second half and it just looks terrible.

You said the mood after the game Michigan State game was bad, and I am sure you have some built up anger. How good is it for you that Texas A&M is such a big running team?

That is great, and that is who I was hoping we would play. We could have played Texas Tech, but I wanted to play A&M because I wanted to play against a tough running team. Seeing them, they are tough and they have a great offensive line with a great running back who we are going to have to tackle low.

Some of the guys have looked at the record 8-4 and said that it is pretty good. Is that good enough for Penn State? Is that ever good enough for you?

No. I look at the back of the games and see where we could be and it is frustrating. We are who we are and we deserve to be where we are because we didn't get it done in big games. It is definitely frustrating.

Coach Paterno is going to be coaching is 500th game at Penn State during the bowl game. Can you take a step back from where you are, and look at how unique this guy is? You are playing A&M who has had eight coaches since Paterno has been here.

Whenever I think of past history and events, I think "Wow, Coach Paterno was coaching then." That is when it really hits me. He has been here for so long and to see him coach with the passion and integrity he has now, at his age, I find unbelievable and inspiring.

Can this bowl game save this season?

We had some good wins and it has been fun. It is not necessarily saving anything. We want to end with a win, it would definitely improve our mood, especially after the last game.

Will you welcome the challenge to be a captain next year? And what have you learned from the guys the past years that have taught you how to lead?

Yes, I would. The leaders have been great. They lead by example. At least from my perspective, on the defensive line, I have always tried to emulate them and how hard they work. How they live off the field. How their priorities are school, then football.

Would you like to see Penn State and Pitt back together on a regular basis?

I would love to play Pitt. Being from Pitt there are a lot of guys on the team that I know. I got to play against them in high school. My brother (Conor) is the kicker there so it would be fun to compete against them.

Any thoughts on playing your last game with Dan (Connor)?

It will hit me more next year when I don't have Dan there. I didn't have Paul this year. It is going to be brand new guys, but it is that time. Dan has had such a great career and young guys are ready to step up and play.

A.Q. Shipley, Junior, Center

Do you realize Texas A&M has had eight coaches in the span of Joe Paterno's career at Penn State?

It's pretty amazing when you look back on it, just being able to know that this guy has been around that many games and that many great players that he's coached against. It's pretty amazing to realize the uniqueness of 500 games.

What did it mean to you to be named first-team All-Big Ten?

It meant a lot. I've worked hard to get to that position. At first, I was obviously disappointed to be moved over to offense, but I guess Coach Paterno knew what he was talking about. He's been there before and it ended up working out for the best.

The last guy who moved to offense and wasn't happy about it was Levi Brown. Are you hoping to enjoy some of the same success?

I'm hoping I can enjoy some of that success. Levi is doing great. I think that was probably one of the best moves he could've made and I think it's the best move I could've made. I hope it works out the same.

Any thoughts on the quarterback after Anthony Morelli?

It's going to be a tough battle, I know that much. Pat Devlin and Daryl Clark are both great quarterbacks. They've put in their time and it'll be fun to watch. It'll be interesting to see who comes out. They both do things differently from one another.

Do you view this as the last game of the season, or as somebody who's going to be back, as a game that can set the tone for next season?

It's a little bit of both. Obviously we want to send the seniors out on a high note. We owe it to them and they deserve it. But in the same sense, you can tell there's a lot of young guys working hard and trying to make their point for next season. We're looking forward to it. There are a lot of guys returning and we know that. We just have to make the most of it.

Why did the offensive line, in your estimation, make the strides it did this season?

If you remember, last year, there were guys that were injured. There was a different combination of starting offensive linemen at the mid-point of the season. I think Levi was out against Minnesota, (Robert) Price missed a game, (Chris) Auletta was in. There were so many different combinations. I think a lot of it has to do with how we kept pretty much the same combination all year. Plus, I think having Mike (Lucian), Gerald (Cadogan) and Rich (Ohrnberger) in there, we all came in the same class. We're very comfortable with one another. Dennis Landolt hangs out with us and we're all comfortable with each other. I think we just started to gel at the right time.

A.J. Wallace, Cornerback, Sophomore

Have you talked to Justin King about his possibility of going to the NFL?

No. We try not to talk about that too much. He's just really focused on his game and what's coming up for the bowl game.

If Justin would choose to leave, how would that impact the secondary next year?

Everybody would congratulate him. We'd work hard. Anybody could step in and be good enough to play cornerback. With him possibly leaving, we'd still be set and be ready to go because we have a lot of talent at cornerback.

Texas A&M has one of the best rushing attacks in the country. Does it change your mindset for what you do in the game?

You just have to look at them on film and figure out what tendencies they have. Say they have a good rush attack, but you also need to defend the pass. You have to be ready for both things. You can't focus on one thing or the other. You have to be ready for everything.

Do you feel like a game like this can set the tone for next season?

Absolutely. It could help people get a boost of confidence for next season. It really sets the tone for the off-season. If you go in and win the game, it sets a good mood for the off-season. If you lose the game, everybody might be a little down. The off-season could be a little slower than what you want it to be. We'll just try to get the bowl win.

How does the long lay-off affect preparations?

It can affect you because you haven't played football in a while. Teams in other conferences that played games (after Nov. 17) may have the game-speed down, but we should have no problem getting back up to game-speed. In getting ready, our conditioning coaches just made sure we did a lot of running and a lot of conditioning. So we should be prepared for the conditioning aspect. We should have no problem with that.

You guys didn't have the record you wanted but you're still going to a bowl game. What's the mind-set going into the bowl game at the end of the year?

Everybody is excited. Everybody is excited and trying to keep a positive attitude. We're just trying to make sure we go out there, give it our best, and come out with a victory so we can set the tempo for next season.

Derrick Williams, Junior, Wide Receiver

In regards to Justin King filling out paperwork with the NFL, what has he said to you, and what kind of advice have you given him?

I haven't given him too much advice. Justin and his family are going to handle that. He is graduating and I am pretty sure his family is going to make a good decision for him and his future. I really have not given him any advice, but I am there for him and I will support him in whatever he does.

Have you put in any papers yet, in regards to the NFL?

No, I haven't put in any papers. I want to graduate and I am going to graduate during the Spring, and then work on my masters. I will hopefully have my masters by next year. So I will be leaving here with my masters, and everything is going to work out well with that. I am trying to get my masters in sport's management or something like that.

How has it been since the Michigan State game? You didn't look too happy at the end of that. Are you all ready to get back onto the field?

Yea, anytime you come out with a loss like that, especially when we had the lead like that. Just for the tables to turn during the game for Michigan State to come out with the win, everybody is ready to get out there and play another game. Just to get that bad feeling away from us.

How hard is it to sit around and wait for the bowl game?

It is bad. Especially out there at practice when you see guys trying to kill each other, because they are ready to go out there and hit somebody. Everybody is eager to put on a uniform and play.

You have had a chance now to reflect on the season. This team had very high aspirations at the beginning of the year. When you look back, why wasn't the team able to achieve that?

It was just little mistakes from everybody. It goes all the way down from the players, to the coaches, everybody had some mistakes. Everybody had things to do with some of the losses that we had, because we had three games that we really should have won. It just didn't turn our way, and they were a better team then us that day.

Joe has said that he is not in this building a whole lot this year because he works mostly from home. How much do you see him?

We see Joe whenever we have team meeting and that is usually once a week. You might catch him in the morning as you are coming in to lift. I talked to a lot of my friends from different schools, and they say that they don't see a lot of their head coaches that much either. I don't think that it is a big deal. Our assistant coaches do a great job of keeping in contact with everybody. If we have a problem we go to them to talk about those problems.

Who do you think is going to replace Anthony next year in the quarterback position?

There are so many great people, so much great talent. We have Daryll Clark, Pat Devlin, and Paul Cianciolo. All those guys can come in there and make an impact for us whenever we need it. Daryll is a great talent. He is very smart when he is behind (center) as quarterback and he knows who to give the ball to. Pat is a good talent, too.