Senior Katelyn BeVard - Spring Sports Media Day Comments

Feb. 25, 2008

Spring Sports Media Day - Tennis Podcast

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Senior Katelyn BeVard - Spring Sports Media Day

Q: How has the transition been with the new head coach?

A: I think it was pretty hard at first. As we've gotten into the actual season, I think it's been good. I think she's going to be great for the program in the future and this year. I mean transitions are always hard. A lot of girls on the team really like Buffy Baker but I think it's been good. Really positive.

Q: You just came off a big win over Wisconsin, how do you see that setting you all up for the rest of the season?

A: I think the most important thing about Wisconsin is that we did not win the doubles point. We came out and won four out of six singles. I think that's positive because in my four and a half years here, we have definitely struggled in doubles. Knowing that we can play a good team and play a close doubles point but not get it but go out and get the four singles is definitely a huge confidence builder. It's just hopefully a great start to a good season. We have a lot of ranked opponents coming up.

Q: How has it been for your personally to play since your ACL injury?

A: It's been awesome. I had definitely last April accepted the fact that I was going to be done and not be able to come back. Then I found out in May that there was a possibility and then in July that it was for sure. It's been a great experience. It's very different because it's kind of surreal. The fall was really hard because I didn't get to play and it was just a lot of training and working on my knee. I can't really put into words how the experience has been being able to come back and play.

Q: You guys are ranked for the first time since 2005. Has that changed the atmosphere at practice?

A: I wouldn't say it changes the atmosphere. The day we found out at practice we were all really excited and kind of making jokes. But nothing changes. Just getting ranked is one thing but staying ranked or moving up is kind of what we're focusing on.

Q: You and Jenny have sort of alternated back and forth playing one and two, would you prefer to play a certain spot in the lineup?

A: Honestly, this used to be something I really focused on. Where am I going to be in the lineup? If I win this match, am I going to move up? If I lose this match, am I going to move down? Getting injured changed my perspective on things and I've learned to appreciate the fact that I get to play it all. It doesn't really make a difference to me. If Jenny's playing one, then I support her. If I'm playing one, then that's fine too. To be honest, the first match that we had I played one and was totally surprised. When coach announced the lineup I was kind of in shock because I didn't expect to be up there after coming back. It doesn't really affect me. I just play matches.

Q: What are some personal goals you have for yourself this season?<> A: Staying healthy is the biggest goal that I have. I definitely have a bit of fear playing matches. Am I going to get hurt? If I'm going for a hard ball, is this going to hurt my knee? I would say my number one goal is to stay healthy, and my number to goal is to play and have fun and not worry about the results.

Q: Have you had to adjust your game at all?

A: Not really. When we played Wisconsin, the old assistant here who coaches there now was commenting on how really well I was moving. I haven't really changed my game. It has taken awhile to get back to where I was but I'll always be the player to run down balls and stay out there as long as I can. Hopefully my body will adjust to that.

Q: Could you comment on the similarities/differences between Buffy Baker and Dawna Prevette?

A: I wouldn't say they have a whole lot of similarities. They are very very different. Both are pretty intense coaches. Dawna is a bit more business. She's the coach, we're the players. WE have to call her coach. Buffy was a bit more family oriented, not to say that Dawna's not, but she was all about team-building. I remember the first time I e-mailed Buffy she responded with, "Why are you calling me coach?" That was weird for her. They're both good coaches in different ways. I think Dawna, because of her business relationship, will in the long-run be better for the team. She's able to separate a personal relationship and just treat you as a player. I think that's obviously positive.

Q: You've lost the last three singles matches you've played, would you attribute that to your injury or the fact that you're playing high caliber players?

A: It's not because of my knee. I think sometimes when you're playing at one and two, it's a struggle to get a win at all. As long as I'm playing well and feel happy with how I played, and know that if I went out and played the same person the next day with my game plan changed a little that I can come out with a win I'm happy.

Q: What kind of different scouting have you all done this year?

A: Well we now travel with this huge hard case full of six video cameras. Basically, we videotape every single match. If there were matches in the fall where we played similar or same opponents, we'll sit in the hotel room and we'll watch our opponents. We'll analyze what they might do on a certain kind of serve or where they like to serve. Prevette is very dedicated to scouting. If she has contacts at other schools, she'll have them send notes or video to watch. Sometime we're working on gameplans an entire week before a match. Monday she'll say, "You're probably going to play this person and this is how I want you to play," and we'll spend all week practicing playing that certain way.

Q: Does this help you guys? Does it require more thinking?

A: I think it depends on the player. Being able to practice a game plan and go into a match knowing you've done it all week is definitely a help. Sometimes you get into a match and the person you're playing plays totally different than you were expecting. That can get into your head. But I think overall it helps. You feel very prepared for a match.

Q: Are you happy with where you guys are right now?

A: I'm definitely happy. We've had a tough schedule. Until now I think we've only played one unranked opponent. Coming out of there with only 2-3 wins is a positive. I think we're only going to go up from here. I'm definitely excited about where we are at.