2008 Team Diary

April 9, 2008

Hey Everyone!

We haven't done one of these in a while so I'm going to tell you all about our season. It has been a rough one with all of our injuries and sicknesses this semester. We've had some really great meets and some not so great meets. During spring break we traveled to Arizona and Alabama both times having trouble getting home because of plane delays.

One of our greatest moments for our team was when Allie Southard at senior meet, our last home meet, got to exhibition on beam and nailed it. She has been out all year because of a back injury and when she was cleared it only took her about 2 weeks to get back in exhibition on beam and she rocked! We were all very proud of her and she is going to do big things in the future!

Big Ten's, our last meet, was a great meet for us and we all hit 24 for 24! Alex and I claimed second team all Big Ten and Brandi claimed first team all Big Ten and won the all around title along with vault and floor. Alex claimed the Bars title and did an amazing bar routine! Lindsay Borkan has been out for half of the season with a shoulder injury and she has only competed in a couple of meets on beam but really stepped it up at Big Tens scoring a 9.8. Teenie got sick right before Big Tens and was only able to compete on bars. We had to put our back-ups in on floor and vault. Dani, our vault back-up, rocked her new vault which is a front pike half and Heather, our floor back-up, also nailed her set! All I can say is thank goodness for depth!! I could say great things about everyone at this meet but those are just some of them!

We are all now very excited for Regionals, especially since it is a home meet for us this year! We are seated fourth but are very confident that we can beat the third and second ranked teams which are Auburn and Denver. We're working really hard in the gym and making everything count so we can rock at regional's and make it to the NCAA Championships!

With Penn State Pride,