Penn State Practice Quotes

Dec. 28, 2008


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Middle Linebacker Josh Hull

On enjoying California ...
"I took some time out of my schedule to go fishing off of the Santa Monica Pier. I didn't catch anything. [Kicker Collin] Wagner was the only one to catch anything. Other than that we are laying low. Getting something to eat. Taking in as much as we can. It's a lot different. No doubt about that."

On Penn State's regular season performance...
"It's been a great season so far. To add on to that, we have to end it the right way in order for it to be the great season everyone wanted it to be. It has been a battle at middle linebacker. My main goal this season, through every game, was to progress as a player. The whole way, through out the season. I feel like I've done that up to this point. I have more opportunities to prove myself, to prove to my teammates, to prove to the rest of the coaches and everyone in the nation that Penn State is the real deal."

On USC's offense...
"The thing that impresses me the most about them is that every skill player on the team is dynamic. They have the capability of making plays every time they get the ball in their hands. They're extremely fast. They are a very well coached team and they don't make many mistakes. It is going to come down to playing a perfect football game. It will be very similar to our Ohio State game. The team that makes the first mistake is the team that will lose."

On USC's run game...
"One of their strengths is their running game but that's good for Penn State's defense. It matches up well with what we do. I feel like its going to be a great match-up with two very good teams."

Fullback Dan Lawlor

On Oregon State beating USC...
"Oregon State was a great team. We watched that game a lot. We have to build off of what Oregon State did well and what they didn't do well. We just have to have a great strategy going into the game and be ready to play."

On Lawry's Beef Bowl...
"It's something new. No one probably has been to a place like that. It's going to be a lot of fun. . We'll have a great meal and have a few laughs with the guys."

Kicker Kevin Kelly

On range with the nice weather...
"It depends on the wind. Today we went back 52 [yards] today. I felt pretty good with it. It was into a little bit of a breeze. I'd say 55 [yards] either way."

On being a senior...
"It's crazy looking back at it now. When I first came here I just wanted to help out the team. If I got redshirted it would have been even better because I would have been in college for five years. Being able to play the first year was awesome. It helped me learn a lot. The past four years have been a great experience. I'm fortunate I've had the opportunity."

On most memorable kick...
"I could easily say the Orange Bowl. But I'd probably say the first two ones I missed. There was a little bit of wind and I tried to aim it rather than just lining it up and kicking it. I probably learned more in those two kicks than probably all the kicks I've ever had."

Tackle Gerald Cadogan

On USC's top-ranked defense...
"Don't be intimidated. Play smash mouth football. USC has a great defense. They are, quoteunquote, one of the best in the country. We just have to go out there and execute what we have to do and have been doing all season."

On playing his last game as a senior...
"I definitely want to leave it all on the field. I don't want come off the field having any regrets at all. I just want to say I left it all on the field. [That I] Gave it my heart and soul."

On maintaining a high GPA...
"Its all time management, hanging around people who are driven, that want to study and have their priorities straight. [It's also about] the drive and the work ethic to succeed not only on the field but off the field. It can open doors down the way."

On eating prime rib at Lawry's...
"No, [I have never eaten at Lawry's] but I heard it has good prime rib. I'm looking to eat a couple prime ribs. I want to take it all in and enjoy myself. See what happens."