Thank You Seniors!

Dec. 2, 2009

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Several members of the Penn State women's volleyball team took some time to put into words their appreciation of this year's senior class.

#14 Cathy Quilico
"Kelsey, I am so glad you are not leaving me forever and that you still live here! And then, California roomies together!!! I can't wait for the memories we will continue making together and all of the fun times that we will share. Thank you for being such a good friend and teammate!!

"Oh Meg, I don't know who will make up nicknames for me and beat me up after you're gone. When they lift me up before the matches next year, I'm going to have to adjust to the evenness of their lift, unlike yours. It isn't going to be the same without you. I am going to miss you so much! I am so glad to have had you as a teammate and will continue following you and your success in the future.
Love always, your Stewie, Widget, and you know the last one...

"Lish!!! The best roommate! I am so glad that we got to room with each other, it isn't going to be the same without you and doing everything with you. I know that we will always be friends and I can't even describe how much I am going to miss you. I am so grateful to have you as a setter because you're the best setter ever and you make my passes look good!"
Love, your other half & lil sis

#12 Alyssa D'Errico
"Megan - Words cannot explain how much you affect each team you play on. You've made these past four years such an experience since playing with you is like a luxury. You're going to do great things in your future, which I cannot wait to witness. Thanks so much for all your words and quiet support. You'll never know how much it means to have you standing in my corner when push comes to shove. I'm always here for you and congrats on a great four-year career already.

"Alisha - Thanks so much for every talk, for every memory, for everything you've done to contribute to both the team's success as well as my individual success in the past three years. The work you put in behind the scenes does not go unnoticed to everyone. You've pushed me to be such a better player in the past three years and helped me maintain my focus in the tough times. You'll do great things and I can't wait to see it all. I'm always here for you and remember the great times you've had here at school, as you get ready for your bright future.

"Kelsey - You are one of the most down-to-earth people I have ever met. Living next to you for the past two years has been an incredible experience. As the years have passed we have shared more memories bringing us inevitably a little closer to each other every semester. You have such a resilient personality, which has shown especially in this past year. Thanks so much for every memory we have shared, every moment you have been there for me and every future memory we will have together (since I know you'll be around). You are an inspiration in so many ways you'll never know and I am honored to have you as my friend. Thanks for always being there for me and realize I am ALWAYS here for you."

#5 Kristin Carpenter
"Meg, I'm so glad I convinced you to buy those white contacts. Personally I think you should wear them more often but you know me. All I want to say is that I can't wait for your life! I can't wait to see what awesome things you accomplish so keep doing what you're doing girl. Let me know if you change your mind and start liking beach volleyball because I called dibs on you. Thanks for being you.
Love, Pookie

"Kels, I know you were a freshman once too but you've really helped me with the transition here. I know of all the people on this team, I could go to you with anything. You are hands-down the strongest person I've ever met and I absolutely love you for it. Thanks for getting me excited about being an aunt!
Love, Carp

"Coach Isha, I really can't thank you enough for everything partially because it would take way too long and I don't have that much space in this thing. I don't even think you realize half of things you've done for me. You've taught me so much about setting and leadership and awesome dance moves. You've got rhythm girl. Thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes here. You rock and you'll definitely be missed."
Love, Stin

#3 Fatima Balza
"Megan, you are great leader on the court and it's amazing to play with you because you are an awesome volleyball player. I feel honored to be your teammate. Thanks so much for your help and giving me advice every time I need it. I'll miss playing with you.

"Kelsey, you are a really admirable person. After your surgery, you were always were doing exercise to get better. As a middle hitter you were always telling me what to do, what I was doing wrong, what I should do to get better, and helping me a lot! Thanks so much. I'll miss you a lot!

"Alisha, thanks so much for guiding me everyday on the court, being so patient with me and telling me over and over the same things to try to make me better. I know that you probably get tired of telling me the same things all the time, but thanks so much for doing it and being a great leader. I'll miss you."

#2 Katie Kabbes
"Megan, wow where to start! Coming here as a freshman, I knew we would pick up right where we left off and have an incredible two years together and they have exceeded my expectations. Whether it's with volleyball or drama in our lives, I know we have each others back no matter what. You have been one of my best friends for so long and it will not be the same without you around everyday. I will miss our heart-to-hearts and our laughing sessions. I know that we still have many more memories to come even once you leave here and I can't wait. You deserve all that life has brought and will continue to bring to you. I love you more than you know!
Love, Katie aka lightpole

#7 Arielle Wilson
"Megan - I am going to miss you so much! We have had so many good times together, talks, cries, laughs, and last but not least memories that will last a life time. I want to thank you for taking care of me freshman year. when my parents dropped me off for good on my first night of many at PENN STATE. I will never forget how great of a friend, teammate, and twin you have been to me!!.. lol. My number will always be the same and you know I will always be here/ there for you if you need me. I am for sure you will go on to do GREAT things! But down the road always remember those that matter and appreciate the people that don't because they have helped mold you into the person you will continue to become. I love you like a fat kid loves cake and there is nothing you can do about it. We will see each other again so its not goodbye only I'll see you later!

"Kelsey - HEY Chelsey... I am only kidding lol.. I am soo glad that I have gotten to know you more and more each year! I want you to know how very proud and happy I am to have worked, competed, and played with you. You are very nice, kind, giving, and so easy to talk to and I thank you for that! I have wanted to tell you that I admire your drive and encouragement! We have had awesome times and laughs together! I wish you great happiness Kelsey and success in the future! Feel free to keep in touch with me! You truly are one in a million!

"Alisha - What's up lish.. You have been my setter for three years now and it will be hard to let you go for my last round..lol I know I'm being selfish but I feel like we were just starting to make more history together! I wish you the best of luck with everything! I am proud to say that I was set by the best setter in the collegiate world. I am really going to miss the SISTAS rotation a.k.a. the best rotation ever! There will never be another like it! You will truly be missed and I will make sure to keep in touch!"

#17 Heather Tice
"Megan - It has only been two years but boy did they fly. It was not long ago when you drove all the way from North Carolina to Pennsylvania to come and visit me and then drive to Penn State the same night! I have learned a lot from you as a person and a player. You are a very strong and intelligent person with many goals and aspirations ahead of you. I remember when we used to have those long three or four hour talks where we just talk about anything and everything! I am really going to miss your sense of humor and your sarcastic comments, after all who is going to be there to tell me that I am acting like a fool?! Now, I am not going to get all mushy on you but, I love you Megan and you truly are an inspirational person with a huge heart. Always reach out to those around you and stand strong for what you believe in! I love you and I wish you the best in all that you do! May the legend of Chocolate Starfish live on! Keep Smiling!
<3 teeter,="" heeter,="" heether,="" tether,="">3>Tice, Heather

"Alisha - Somewhere in Aspen...Aspen! Oh, the chartering days of my freshman year! We have had some incredible talks and laughs on the plane rides and you know what I'm talking about! You are a wonderful player and person and I am very blessed that I was able to share these past two years with you! I have learned so much from you not only about volleyball, but life in general. It is going to be hard not playing with my Will and Grace buddy or my baby tremors girl! Alisha you are a special person with a long and exciting road ahead of you. I know you will do great things and make even more of an impact on people than you already do with your skill. I love you with all of my heart and I cannot wait to hear about your future! Always keep in touch and keep a smile on your face!

"Kels - GREYS ANATOMY! You and I have grown so much closer this past year and you have no idea how thankful I am for that. I never met a selfless, genuine, and special person than you Kelsey Ream. You are always there to lend a hand, listen to someone's problems, celebrate a birthday, and so much more. You truly are a special person with qualities that people only dream of. I know this year has been rough both mentally and physically for you, but your persistence and attitude has been incredibly admirable. You are a fighter and always stand strong for what you believe in. Your smile makes me and those around you smile as well. Your personality is contagious and something to be proud of! I love you more than you will know and I am so very blessed to have you in my life. Kelsey, keep smiling and always remember that I love you!"

#9 Blair Brown
"Kels - This is it...and I can't believe we aren't going through it together. You've been such an amazing friend to me; I can't imagine life without you next year (so stay please). I actually cannot put into words how much you have impacted my life, so I'll simply say I couldn't have made it through without you there with me. My twin, roommate, sister, whatever it may be, I'm going to miss you so much next year. You always keep spirits high in practice and even through this tough year you've been someone that makes everyone else smile. You've always been the person I can depend on for absolutely anything; whether it is a Meyer's ice cream run or a Faccia trip to talk (you hardly need any convincing for these haha). You even deal with all of my forgetfulness when I lose everything or dealing with my messy room that creeps upstairs! I cannot imagine State College without you...so no leaving please.
Luhhh you!

"Megan - ROOMIE! Well here we are...the place we never thought we'd make it to after freshman year. It actually did fly by. After four years, we've probably discussed every life subject and come to some conclusion about whether or not we were right or wrong in every situation possible...and then changed it the next time we talked. Our mind altering conversations kept us up way too late, but they allowed me to really get to know the kind of person you are behind this incredible volleyball player. Your career speaks for itself, but in your future I want you to make sure you're happy in all that you do! You better keep me updated on all the new gossip because I'm going to miss it too much if you don't. And...if it's not too much trouble, you must promise to come back Sundays for enchiladas and/or quesadillas. Thanks!
Love you!

"Alisha - It's been a long time since we watched every episode of Dawson's Creek and consumed countless boxes of Lucky Charms (well...maybe that hasn't been so long for me haha). You've become such a great player that can be depended on everyday for your hard work and competitiveness. I'm not really sure what we're going to do without you next year, but I wish you all the best in your future endeavors...I'm sure you'll be amazing. We will miss you!"

#1 Darcy Dorton
"Dear Seniors! I would like to start by saying thank you to all of you! You have made my first year here at Penn State one that I will remember forever. It has been amazing playing with, not only such incredibly talented athletes, but extremely gifted people. Having the opportunity to play with you has meant more to me than you will ever know.

"Kelsey- My Locker Buddy
Thank you so much for just being yourself. You have provided more help to me than I think you'll ever realize. Your role on this team has been so important this year, even though I know it's not the role you had envisioned playing. You are such a spirited person and your excitement for life keeps me fired up!

"Alisha - My Keeper
Oh Alisha. You are always there to keep me in check and when I get a little crazy you always bring me back to reality. You are such an incredible leader and always have a way of bringing things back together and cooling any situation. I have never played with anyone as collected as you are. You are just a smart player and your understanding for the game is incredible. Thank you so much for all the things you have taught us, in volleyball and life. Also, thanks for the jersey check. Yeah, THANKS for that! Next year we are all going to miss you and your gypsy ways!

"Megan - My Booger!
I love you Megan! I can't even count all of the things I should thank you for! You are such a role model to me as to how I want to be as a player. You're going to call me a creeper for saying this, but I have spent so much time this year just watching how you play and trying to soak up little details about how you do the things you do. You lead by example and it is one that I am always striving to follow. You are seriously one of the most interesting people I have ever met in my LIFE! It is never a dull moment and you keep us all on our toes waiting for what's next. YOU are the crazy one, my love, and I am going to miss you so much next year, for so many different reasons.

"They say that a mark of a true leader isn't what they have done, but the legacy they leave behind. It's in their ability to influence others, and continue to impact for years beyond their time. Each of you has made an impact on me, as a teammate and as a friend. We are all going to miss each of you so much, and we will continue to strive to keep that legacy and the Penn State Volleyball traditions alive for years to come.

"Good Luck in all your future endeavors! Love You!"