Fresh New Faces - Part II

Sept. 22, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Head coach Russ Rose welcomes nine newcomers to the 2010 women's volleyball team. Meet four members of the 2010 freshman class below!

#8 Erica Denney • MH • Fr. • Aurora, Colo.
What does it mean to you to play for Penn State?
"Playing for Penn State means I know I have the opportunity to strive to be the best player I can possibly be. In other words, I know I can reach my full potential because of the high level the players bring and the knowledge that the coaches give us. I know this could never be found anywhere else. Being a part of such a program is a huge honor and all that I want to do is continue to help with its success."
What was preseason like?
"Preseason was tough. Mentally and physically it was completely draining, however it made us stronger in the end. There were days I felt it would never end, but managed to make it through and am better because of it. As a freshman it was especialy tough because the coaches threw so much at us to try and fix. At times it felt really overwhelming, but the older girls really stepped in and helped, which I could not be thankful enough for. So in summary, preseason was a rought two weeks, but a two weeks that I would not wnt to take back. It was well worth it."
What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"My favorite spot on campus would have to be the big field begind the Hub. The big open space is great to just go lay and relax and somewhat escape from all the people. It's quiet and reserved and its great to go back there and take a nap under a tree and just let my mind wander."
Who is the funniest person on the team?
"Arielle Wilson is the funniest person on the team, because even if she isn't trying to be funny she just says little things that really crack me up even in the most stressful of times. She is one of a kind and I love her for it!"
What is one of your goals for the season?
"One of my personal goals for this season is to get everything I possibly can out of it. We have both Ari and Fatima, seniors in my position, that I watch all the time in games and practice. They are both huge resources for me and I plan on taking full advantage while still competing against them."

#23 Ali Longo • DS • Fr. • Littleton, Colo.
What does it mean to you to play for Penn State?
"Penn State has such a great tradition and I am just excited to be a part of it on a daily basis! Being a part of this program allows the players to take charge of their volleyball careers and make it as great as you want it to be. Along with that the team creates a family environment every player dreams to be a part of!"
What was preseason like?
"Preseason was a learning experience for everyone and brought us closer together as a team. It was an opportunity to get to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones daily as well as get to know each other on and off the court a little bit better."
What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"My favorite place on campus is probably The Creamery! I absolutely love ice cream and it is definitely a good thing that our dorms aren't closer or I might overload!"
Who is the funniest person on the team?
"I would say the funniest person would have to be Katie Kabbes or Ari Wilson."
What is one of your goals for the season?
"One of my goals for the season is just to improve and get better daily. The opportunities are there, whether in the gym, weight room, meetings, etc. I plan to take advantage of each one of them."

#22 Mikinzie Moydell • S • Fr. • Parker, Colo.
What does it mean to you to play for Penn State?
"To play volleyball for Penn State is to uphold the tradition of excellence and hard work so many players before me have accomplished."
What was preseason like?
"Preseason was physically and mentally hard. It tested me as a player and pushed me to become better."
What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"My favorite place on campus is the green field behind the HUB. While the rest of campus is crowded and chaotic, this is one place that is still quiet and peaceful during the day."
Who is the funniest person on the team?
"The funniest people on the team are Krosby Pabst, Katie Slay and Katie Kabbes."
What is one of your goals for the season?
"To uphold the tradition of Penn State volleyball and become a better player and leader."

#1 Ariel Scott • MH • Fr. • Ridgewood, N.J.
What does it mean to you to play for Penn State?
"Playing for Penn State means upholding the tradition and working hard each and every day at practice in order to improve."
What was preseason like?
"Preseason was physically and mentally exhausting, and finishing it provided an incredible sense of accomplishment. "
What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"My favorite place on campus is my dorm room because its a place where I can relax and be by myself, which is hard to find at Penn State."
Who is the funniest person on the team?
"The funniest person on the team is definitely Krosby; she always makes me laugh. "
What is one of your goals for the season?
"One of my goals for this season is to be the best that I can be and win a National Championship!"