PSWS Alumni Update: Emily Carrollo

Dec. 29, 2016

Over the course of the next few weeks GoPSUsports.com will be sharing updates from Penn State women's soccer alums. This week GoPSUsports.com caught up with Nittany Lion alum Emily Carrollo.

Emily Carrollo

Hometown: Wantage, N.J.

Years with PSWS: 2013

Major: B.A (University of Virginia) Environmental Science, M.S. (PSU) Wildlife and Fisheries Science

GoPSUsports.com: How did Penn State prepare you?
EC: Penn State immensely prepared me for the many different things life has in store for me! When I decided to transfer to Penn State for my final year of eligibility it was a tough decision and quite the process as I was coming from a big rival university (UVA).

I was also a little nervous about how I would be received by the team considering I had been battling against them for quite a few years before that! My decision to transfer to Penn State though really prepared me for making hard decisions, and taught me to follow my heart when it comes to figuring out what I want in life because my years at Penn State were some of the best times of my life.

Since my season at Penn State I've lived in several different states, worked some crazy jobs related to my profession (wildlife), and found myself on adventures I never would have expected. I'm so thankful I took the leap to go to Penn State because the courage and perfect situation that decision resulted in has given me the fearlessness to follow other dreams as well.

GoPSUsports.com: Favorite memory as a Nittany Lion?
EC: My favorite memory as a Nittany Lion is slightly different than what most people would remember as the greatest moment, but my most memorable moment was when Kindrah Kohne scored her first career goal against Purdue.

This is my favorite moment because while we had a clear lead over Purdue, and the winning outcome pretty certain, everyone cheered as though she had just scored the winning goal in the biggest game of the year.

This experience is the perfect description of what that team meant to me that year. We supported each other like no other team I had been on, and despite not getting the end result we wanted, we still had an amazing season with each other. I came in worried I wouldn't fit in, and walked away with some amazing friends that I consider family.

GoPSUsports.com: What are you currently up to?
EC: Currently, I am in South Africa working as an intern for the Urban Caracal Project (http://www.urbancaracal.org/). I never expected to make it to South Africa, but I have undoubtedly been having the time of my life!

I am slowly working my way towards becoming a biologist, and my hope is to work as a state or federal level biologist. In particular, I'm hoping to stay within the realm of carnivores, which I'm sure many fellow Nittany Lions would appreciate!

I will be heading home in the middle of January where my plans have yet to be determined. However, I know my time at Penn State has prepared for just about anything that comes my way, and I'm always ready for the next adventure!