Lamar Stevens Postgame Quotes

Penn State Men's Basketball
Penn State Student-Athlete Postgame Quotes
Vs. Wisconsin – January 6, 2019
 Lamar Stevens | Forward | Jr./Jr.
Q: It seemed that you got pretty frustrated at times there in the second half, whether it was with officiating or with other parts of the game. What did you see from the team's effort in the second half and how do you guys bounce back from a loss like this?
A: We get back to work. We learn from it, like Coach Urgo said, and we figure it out. We have to watch film and we have to get everybody better. Everybody could've done something better today to help change the outcome. So that's what we have to focus on. We have to see what we all can do better as a collective group.
Q: In this game, there were 16 turnovers and you guys shot 38% from the field. As the game goes on, is it hard to adhere to the game plan when the game plan isn't working?
A: I wouldn't say its hard. I have a lot of trust and faith in my coaches. They're going to do what they know is best. They put in a lot of hours of watching film and practicing and going over ways for us to be successful. And it's not fully blamed on the game plan. Like you said, we shot 38% from the field. It comes down to us making shots sometimes.
Q: What was it like not having Coach Chambers on the sideline? He's usually such a dynamic personality. Do you think that impacted you guys, being that this was your worst loss of the year?
A: It was definitely different not having him there. I think this was almost my 90th game and it was my first game without him. I felt like you had to be mature going into a game like this. Not having him there in the locker room is definitely a little different. I thought our assistant coaches really prepared us for it. I thought me and Josh's leadership was really good to try and get the young guys ready.
Q: How did you feel like everybody else in the program responded to this over the last couple days?
A: Well, we know how much Coach Chambers really loves us. Everything he does for us—he's just an extremely passionate person. He really loves and cares for us. Seeing that [news], we felt for him. We came to work everyday motivated for him, and I think they just got the best of us tonight.