POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athlete Lamar Stevens

Penn State Men's Basketball
Penn State Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Yale – November 25, 2019  
Lamar Stevens | Sr. | Forward
Q: Lamar, there was a point there, I think five minutes to go, and I think you had four baskets in a row. I guess, at that point, do you feel like you've gotten going or is that the stretch where you really are starting to feel the five minutes to go then?
A: I just go with the flow of the game and I just attack with what I feel is necessary. I don't feel like I ever have to force things with this team. I know we have a lot of guys that are capable of making big-time plays and big-time shots. And they just trusted me in that stretch, and I was able to come through.
Q: Lamar, if you can kind of just talk about the way you guys kind of grinded it out there down the stretch? Pat [Chambers] kind of talked about the majority of the team and how you know maybe a year or two, you don't win this game, what does it mean, just the way that this team has responded to that?
A: Yeah, I mean I think it's great. Yale is a great team. Great success doesn't come without any adversity and I'm glad that they played that well, played that hard, and they really gave us a run for our money. You know, our resiliency. Not toughness and just never quit mentality is what you know just propelled us to keep fighting back and chipping away at the lead. And we had great huddles, great leadership from multiple guys, and guys just stepped up in different moments of the game and that's how we're able to come back and get the win.
Q: Lamar, congrats on the wind and the milestone. As you continue to climb the ranks of, you know, the Penn State numbers here, what does it feel like to be mentioned among some of the greatest players to put on the Penn State uniform?
A: It is a great honor. So many great players have played here – that just represent Penn State the right way. And you know that's just something I want to follow, something that I want to be a part of. I'm glad that my hard work is able to show through. But, like I said before, I'm just focused on getting this team ready to win a Big Ten Championship and achieve our goals.