
Field Hockey Throwback: 2014 Nittany Lions

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. —  With the 2020 field hockey season on hold, fans and players have been enjoying watching games from previous seasons on the Big Ten Network. Airing tonight is a doubleheader from the 2014 season, starting off with a Maryland vs. Penn State match up at 7 p.m. and followed by the Nittany Lions at No.6 Northwestern at 9 p.m.

The 2014 team had an overall record of 16-6 and appeared in the NCAA Tournament that year making the season one to remember. Maryland had just joined the Big Ten that year, putting them on Penn State's radar and made the game a battle to the finish with the Terrapins winning 4-3.

Penn State moved on later in the season to defeat Northwestern in a 2-1 finish and outshooting the Wildcats. 10-4. Head coach Charlene Morett-Curtiss recalled the team's preparations for these games.

"We really focused on our goals, what we wanted to accomplish in our game plan, and we are a very aggressive team on the press and with the speed we had on the line we were able to put the pressure on," Morett-Curtiss said.

What Morett-Curtiss really remembers most about these games and the season was how connected these players were to each other made them stand out to her.

"They were really a close group of teammates on and off the field, it was a senior-leading team. The connectiveness of those players as a unit is what made them very special and successful," Morett-Curtiss said.

This class had grown together with seniors such as Katie Andrews, Taylor Herold and team captain Laura Gebhart playing and starting games together since their freshman year. According to Morett-Curtiss, Gebhart stood out in both these games with her dedication and aggression and Morett-Curtiss believes she served as a catalyst for the way they competed throughout the season.

"She played with such confidence and was the epitome of a team player and team leader in every aspect." Morett-Curtiss said.

Gebhart had many shots on goal in the game against Maryland and made the game-winning goal in the Northwestern game, which she remembers it to this day.

"Northwestern was always one of my favorite Big Ten games. You always knew it was going to be a fight, but one that would end in a handshake. This game did not disappoint and best of all, we came out on top," Gebhart said. "I remember the moment just outside of the 25, when the whistle blew and there was a window of opportunity for a quick restart. I caught the defense off-guard and had a split second to get a shot off at the top of the circle. The forwards were at the ready to put in the rebound, but miraculously, the ball went in the back of the net. My favorite moment is being smothered by Amanda (Dinunzio) and Nat(alie Buttinger)."

Gebhart was named First-Team NFHCA All-American for her 2014 season. She is now the field hockey head coach at Bryant University and regularly keeps in touch with her coaching staff at Penn State.

Penn State maintained the same drive and focus they showed in these two games throughout the rest of its season. Although they didn't make it as far as they wanted in the NCAA Tournament, falling short in the quarterfinals to Syracuse, it was still a memorable season.

"This team always brought, whether it be in practice or in competition, relentless energy and a competitive spirt and that is what you will see in both games," Morett-Curtiss said.