Postgame Press Conference - Penn State Players (Maryland)

Theo Johnson | TE | So.
Q: On a day like today, where the conditions made it hard to pass the ball, how fun was it to run the ball the way you guys did, especially the run Nick Singleton had?
A: It's a lot of fun. I'd even say today's setup was one of those ones where you just grind it out with your guys. Everyone kind of knows it's one of those pretty games. It's a lot more fun and a lot more memorable. So, we didn't pass the ball, but we're able to impose our will on the right game. And as a team, that gives you a lot of confidence to kind of run the ball.

Q: Nick and Kaytron Allen are two very dynamic backs. What is it like to see them run every single week and their development over the course of the season?
A: I think that they came a long way for sure. You know, they came in a little bit more developed than a typical freshman. But you know, they had things that they needed to work on and they did a really good job. They've done a lot of really great things for us this season, and it's great to see them excel.

Q: Sean Clifford has been polarizing for a lack of a better term during his time here. To see him get that record and the team sitting at 8-2, what does that say about him?
A: We were just talking about this in the locker room with some of the other guys. And, you know, we think that he gets a lot of crap and hate. Sean's got every record you can have as a quarterback and he's done a lot of great things. I think that people are going to look back at his time here at Penn State, and I think they're going to say that he was the best one to do it. I think he's done a lot of great things for us. He's a winner. Tough guy and a great leader. So yeah, you know, that's my quarterback. I'm happy that he's my quarterback. It's going to be sad to see him leave, but I think that he's done a lot of great things for me and has really helped me in my development as a player through the last two years.

Sean Clifford | QB | R-Sr.+

Q: You just broke the Penn State passing record? What was going through your head when you were told you broke the record?
A: The best part about it honestly is that it's not about the records. It's about the journey. It's about the guys that I came in contact with. When I was told about it at the end of the game, I honestly forgot about it. It was more so just thinking back to all the things that I've been through. Just appreciating the moment and everybody that has had my back.

Q: The t-formation obviously worked really well today. When did you guys start putting that in and how do you think it's evolved through the season?
A: We've been running that since week one. It went from you know, a few plays and now it's a very extensive package that can score anywhere. So, it's impressive. It's a great package. I think that it does really well on short yardage situations. Obviously, it has big play potential, especially when you have guys like Nick Singleton and Kaytron Allen. It makes it even better. So, I really enjoy that.
Q: Mike Yurcich has been running different formations and schemes that we didn't see last year. How much better does that make everything?
A: A lot better. I think that that was one of the things that we talked about, and I said, 'I want you to push me, the quarterback room, and the offense to be able to do a bunch of different things.' That was one of the things that we spoke on earlier. He pushed us throughout spring ball and summer. Now, it's paying off late in the season and being able to show numerous formations, shifts, motions, and just come up and run a bunch of different things. So, kudos to Yurcich since he's been putting in a lot of hard work.

Kalen King | CB | So.
Q: What was it like guarding Maryland's receivers coming into the day?
A: I just felt like the back end as a whole, we trusted each other. We played together, and I feel like anytime we play together like the back seven, we really play together. We played with each other, and we played with confidence that is going to be hard to beat.
Q: How did the defensive performance overall feel different today?
A: I feel like we just played complimentary football today, and everybody was disciplining us.
Q: Can you describe Abdul Carter and where he is at right now and what you see?
A: He is a fast, physical linebacker and he is young. He's a playmaker and that is how I would best describe him, as a playmaker. He's out there and you can feel his presence. He just wants to be great.
Q: It looked like Joey Porter Jr. was giving you advice on the sidelines, was he giving you pointers or anything to improve your game?
A: Joey is like a brother, he is always looking out for you, always. If he got something that he can add as for as pointers on anything, he is willing to tell us. He is willing to tell us what he sees if we don't see it. He is a big piece to our team. He will give certain tips like describing a receiver and what they're giving him on the other side so I know what to expect when I am out there.

Brenton Strange | TE | R-Jr.
Q: Imagine what it is like to be on the other side of a defensive onslaught like that. I know you guys haven't faced something like that this year but when you see those guys turn it loose, what is that like to play against defensively?
A: We have played them all year long, so it was great to practice against them in the spring. I feel like they made us better, especially in camp for sure. I think coach runs a great scheme and that helps us out a lot. He puts the players in the best position to be successful. The guys played a great game shutout, and I am proud of them, especially against a good opponent like Maryland and their offense.
Q: I think you are coming up on the career touchdowns for a tight end, what does something like that mean to you?
A: I am not sure what the number is but it would mean a lot to me, but if not, I'm just focusing on doing what I can do to make the team better. I am just doing my role and playing my role. When my number is called, I execute, and if that happens, I'll thank God for it. But if not, I am perfectly fine with winning games too. It's not something that I look at, but if it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, it's not something that I am going to stress about. I'll definitely be blessed and thankful to be up there with those guys because their elite players.
Q: The Alpha Dog mentality to run the football was missing in the offseason and maybe even earlier in the season but it has definitely arrived, where do you think it came from?
A: Preparation throughout the week and just really stressing it coming into practice. Having that be our focus point and just practicing at camp but also practicing in the spring helped.
Q: How much fun is it when you are putting guys flat on their backs and pushing them for yards down the field?
A: Yeah, I pride myself on that. Especially blocking for those guys. I just want to be the best blocker I can be because if you look at it the guys like Mark Andrews and Travis Kelce, the height isn't enough. They do everything well. I definitely pride myself on being a good blocker and I think it's good for our team, especially all of our tight ends. I think we do a very good job and sometimes people and spectators immediately overlook that, but I think that is definitely a strength of our unit for sure.
Sal Wormley | OL | Redshirt Junior
Q: You guys really leaned on the two freshmen running backs they came through again. How would you describe the way that they are helping lead this offense right now?
A: They're building trust, we have a lot of confidence in those guys now. We know they're going to hit the hole whenever so we have full confidence that we can run play. We know we're getting at least three, four, five yards with them in the backfield.
Q: What stood out to you most about [Drew] Shelton playing as a true freshman?
A: He's smart, he's way ahead of where I was when I was a freshman or a lot of other people. He knows the playbook. He knows what he's doing. He's just extremely intelligent.
Q: When you guys dominate like this and leave no doubt back-to-back weeks responding from that Ohio State loss, what does it say about where the program is?
A: The program is definitely just on the uprise. We're all getting our minds right. We have our standard, we have our goal. Our cultures are correct. We just come together better as a unit as a whole team. Everybody believes in each other, playing great, complimentary football, offense, defense, special teams. So we all just know we got trust in each other.
Jake Pinegar | K | Redshirt Senior
Q: How good was your 50-yarder compared to the way you felt on any other kick you've had?
A: I don't even know. I basically see if it's going in or not. I turn my head and give Barney (Anor) a high five, but I'll have to look at the film. It felt good.
Q: How were the conditions out there today versus what you had last week in Indiana
A: A little less wind today, which was nice. It was swirling a little bit. It was a little wet out there, there were some spots where it was pretty dug into, but overall, not horrible, not the worst conditions. But it's the Big 10 and it's November, so you're going to see some stuff like that.
Q: How much better are you now from where you were two years ago?
A: I would say day and night. I'm day and night better than last year. I'd say because of getting older and getting around more people in practice, getting stronger. I've been here a long time. I'm comfortable right now.
Hunter Nourzad | WR | RS Sr.
Q: What's it like to see guys who weren't a huge part of your depth chart at the beginning of the year step up now and make some plays?

A: It's really great. From the very beginning, we embodied this next-man-up mentality. We're seeing that with these moving pieces. You see these guys coming in and they're finding success immediately. It's just kind of a culture that we've instilled in the offensive linemen, and that's via the coaches and the guys that are in there.

Q: Have you noticed the vibe in the locker room change over the course of the year?
A: I think the older guys in the room that have been here for a long time, along with the coaches have done a great job transitioning the culture to one that has found the success we have. I think the culture that the people who have been in this room for three-four years have instilled is really beneficial, and that's where our success is coming from.

Q: How would you describe that culture right now?
A: It's really positive. Everybody's always helping each other. No matter where on the depth chart you are. The ones are helping the twos, if the twos see something the ones don't, they're helping them out too. It's a really healthy cohesive unit.
Adisa Isaac | DE | RS Jr.

Q: Why do you think this performance was so good tonight?
A: I feel like we just prepared this week. Throughout the whole week, we were keyed in on trying to contain the quarterback and ended up playing out a lot better than we thought.

Q: You guys have 13 sacks in the past two weeks. How have you guys been able to find that success?
A: I feel like it's everybody trusting each other. Not trying to do somebody else's job, everybody doing their own job and everything falls into line after that.

Q: With the shutout is there a different level of satisfaction walking off the field?
A: Definitely. That's kind of the goal to hold an opponent to as least amount of points as possible, and you can't get better than zero. I felt like it was a good one today.