Penn State Player Quotes (Michigan State)

Penn State Football
Penn State Player Postgame Quotes 
vs. Michigan State – November 26, 2022
Tyler Warren | TE | Soph.
Q: How have you guys [tight ends] been able to do that (talking about scoring touchdowns)? What's it like when everyone steps up?
A: I think as a group we're definitely excited to catch some touchdown passes like that, and I'm excited when Theo and Brenton get to do it as much as I am when I get to do it. I think it just kind of speaks to our group as being versatile and doing what the offense needs.
Q: Walk us through that touchdown that you scored.
A: I got by him, and Cliff threw a ball where I could go up and get it. That's what you have to do as a quarterback, and it was just a great ball. I just went and made a play.
Q: How much pride do you take in your ability to make an impact on special teams?
A: As a program in general, we spend a lot of time with it and take a lot of pride in it and then you have a coach like Stacy Collins who makes people want to play for him and want to go on special teams. Personally, I take it very seriously and I think a lot of guys do. I think it could be a lot of dudes that could wear that number zero and it'll be a good thing for whoever gets to wear it.
Q: When it was 21-16, what was the attitude like right then?
A: I think that's something our team has been great with throughout the season. It wasn't heads down or talking bad to each other. We were up and we knew we had a job to do.
Nick Tarburton | DE | Redshirt Senior
Q: What was the reaction from you guys when they cut it to 21-16?
A: We've prepared for this this whole year, it's nothing new to us. The way we started this thing off, we had a tough game at Purdue, so there is no panic. It's all about trusting each other and trusting our techniques.
Q: How special is it for you to go out of here as a winner?
A: It's unbelievable. It means everything to me. It was a special win.
Q: 10 wins, what does that mean to you?
A: Honestly, it doesn't even feel real. It's good to get back to where we know Penn State should be and that's where Penn State should be every single year, double-digit wins and playing in big games.
Q: What can you say about Abdul Carter and the way he has played in this game and the season?
A: He's a special player. He understands the game really well for a freshman. He's athletic, knows how to rush the passer, and knows how to play the run.

Kalen King | CB | So.

Q: Are you playing the type of ball right now that you felt or believe you could have coming into this?

A: Yeah, definitely. Everything I am doing right now, I feel like I deserve it. I know the work that I put in my offseason. All my life I have been working really hard. 

Q: What did that interception mean to you today? 
A: It means a lot because we needed the stop. The game was getting too close for my comfort. I felt like I needed to make that play and I did. 

Q: What's it been like all year, not just being thrown at today, but teams going away from Joey? How do you take that on?
A: I take it as a challenge. It only gives me more opportunity to make plays. I'm grateful for those opportunities to play alongside a guy like that. I get to learn from him. I get to compete with him. We get to play together on Saturday so that's definitely good for me. 

Juice Suggs | OL | R-Sr.

Q: What is that first Sunday off like? How important is it maximizing the weeks ahead between now and the bowl game?

A: It's been a minute since I have had a Sunday off after the game. Just going to enjoy it, rest up and get ready for whatever bowl game we get. 

Q: You guys have been Iron Man the last three weeks or so. When you have to do 70-75 snaps today and every week, can you try to describe what that is like to the layman who never does anything like that? 
A: I'm going to be honest with you, I am just out there playing football. I am not thinking about how many reps I get or how many snaps I get. I'm just happy to be out there with my guys playing. I know I'm thinking like that and I know they're thinking like that. 

Q: Finishing the season through November, do you feel like you're playing your best?
A: I feel like this is our best football and I feel like we need to just keep doing what we're doing and stay improving.

KeAndre Lambert-Smith | WR | So.
Q: What was more fun today, throwing one or catching one?
A: I'll say throwing. I feel like I'm a quarterback at heart. I was throwing out of high school so just to showcase the arm talent. I felt good today.
Q: Can you take us through that play, from when it was called and what's going through your head and then the way that it unfolded? The one that you threw.
A: We repped it all week. Me and Theo (Johnson) were joking – don't overthrow me, lead me, make it perfect. So, when it was called, I think it was in a timeout, it may have been or on the sideline, we talked about it. He was like lead me, right before we went out there. I'm like come on, come on. So, after I did it, it was a perfect throw, I went back to him like, I led you enough? Perfect? It was good.
Q: What's going through your head when you're ready to throw it?
A: No panic. None of that. I saw Theo (Johnson) wide open, so I was just like, I gotta get it to him. I didn't have to worry about trying to put it anywhere specific, he was running by himself, so I just put it in the air and it landed where it landed.
Q: Thoughts about a possible bowl destination?
A:  Any bowl invite we can get, we're gonna go there and get that done.

Theo Johnson | TE | So.
Q: KeAndre said you were repping it (touchdown play) all week. Did it work well in practice as well?
A: This is one of those plays that we rep almost every week. But this week felt like 'yeah, we're gonna dial this up for sure.' So me and him made sure we're good – had a couple reps after practice. So we were ready for it when it got called.
Q: And he (KeAndre) is extremely confident in his arm. Were you as confident in his arm?
A: For sure. Every time we've repped it in practice it's been great. And I don't think I'd want anybody else back there (in the) receiver position throwing me the ball.
Q: How about the first touchdown catch. Did you figure you were going to be that open?
A:  I saw the guys in front of me communicating and I had a feeling that they were not on the same page. But then they just completely blew coverage. I didn't really run my full route just because I knew I was so open. So I wasn't really expecting to be that open, but sometimes it just works out like that. People make mistakes.

PJ Mustipher | DT | Sr.+
Q: How were you able to grade what you were able to see here this year as the freshmen developed in a way that you don't usually see freshmen develop at this level.
A: It's crazy, because I played as a true freshman but the type of success, the things these guys are doing just being freshmen is – I wish I had that success my freshman year. But these guys are all ball man. They put in the work. They're humble at the same time with all their success. These are football guys, so they're going to carry this program for a long time.
Q: In terms of this defense, you guys have had a special run so far. What makes you guys, your unit, so successful? What's so special about that defensive tackle?
A: It's the first year since I've been a starter where we can roll guys. And the trust – anybody can go in. And when you have that, when you can go off the field and you can trust that the guys that are going in are going to do their job at a high level, you know it means the world because we're fresh. It's paid dividends. Down the stretch this year we've been fresher. It's the freshest I've been since I've been here. And that's where the guys have been putting in the work. They say it's not easy, they just didn't show up like that. None of us just woke up like that. We put in the work and that trust, over time, grew in our playgroup. We're able to rotate like that. Hats off to everybody who's putting in that work.
Q: Is this team playing as good of football right now as you've played in your five years?
A: Yeah, I tell them all the time. Guys don't understand it because they're young. Once they get to where we are as seniors, they'll understand that it's not easy to do well. Even in 2019 I don't think we were blowing out teams like that. We probably had more talent, if not the same talent that year as we did this year. So, it's no easy thing to do. And this is some of the best football I've seen played here. But that's just who we are.

Tyler Elsdon | LB | Sophomore
Q: What was the importance of hanging in there with Michigan State and responding to their comeback?
A: I think our story this whole year has been to take it play by play. This year no matter the opponent we always give it our best. Michigan State has a good team. They have a lot of talent and tough kids. When they started to get momentum, it was important to eliminate it and make plays. The game was in our hands, and we did what we were supposed to do.
Q: How much better are you from the beginning of the season?
A: It is crazy how much you can grow in a year. It's also crazy how fast a year can go. Today was Senior Day and I saw all the seniors get emotional, which got me thinking that next year is my fourth year. It goes fast. Going into the season we had a plan to get better each week. Everyone on our defense got better and it is all about trusting the process.
Q: You got that first fumble, how did that help to get the defense going?
A: Even on that field you never know when the play is going to come. You just do your job consistently and the plays come to you. Any turnover is huge. It fires me up I got one, especially since it was my first one. Those are gamechangers. It got the momentum going for our team.
Sean Clifford | QB | R-Sr.+
Q: Was there a moment this season that made your decision to come back feel that much more worth it?
A: It's not one time or one thing for me, it's a culmination of a lot of things. The little moments here and there that nobody sees that I won't tell anybody because it is just special to me. It is a part of the journey. Being in the moment is what it's all about.
Q: Sean, what does this place mean to you?
A: I can't thank Penn State enough. Starting with the president all the way down to the janitors in Lasch. Everybody is always showing me love. Like I said before people are always going to be critical, but that's because this place is so special, and they demand excellence. They should demand the best and want to win every game because that is what this program deserves. I wouldn't give up the memories I've had for anything.
Q: How much do you think you've grown as a person over these years?
A: I've definitely grown substantially as a football player but more so as a man. That's not because of anything I've done but because of the people that surrounded me and poured energy, compassion and love into me to get me where I'm at. The journey is going to be difficult and tough for everybody. It is reminding yourself about the little things every single day. Remind yourself in the moment why you love what you do. Being out in Beaver and scoring that touchdown, I'm living my dream. Whatever you are doing take a couple of seconds to realize how blessed we are.
Ji'Ayir Brown | S | Sr.+
Q: What did it look and feel like knowing this was your last game in Beaver Stadium today?
A: Every movement I made, every tackle and celebration I really dialed into it. Having an appreciation for everything around me, it felt amazing. It is a bittersweet moment. Penn State has done a lot for me. It is hard to leave Beaver and all these great fans behind.
Q: What were you feeling after the game?
A: There were definitely emotions running. I tried to slow it down as much as possible. Time really flies.
Q: How fitting was it for you personally to have a big turnover in your last game here?
A: It was crazy because I didn't imagine it happening that way coming off a punt. You never know how they are going to come. Just like last game when I returned one for six, the moments you try to embrace them. It was really special to do that one last time in front of the fans and leave them with a legacy that number 16 knows was special.